Chapter 10 /// Part 4

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Chapter 10 /// Part 4

It had been 2 days since Levi had been able to speak to Billie. She text the girl a couple of times, just to let her know she was thinking of her. Sure she was annoyed at how the girl spoke to her but she's not a dick.

Despite Levi reaching out a couple of times, Billie was yet to reply with more than an emoji. Levi knew the singer had to travel to a show tomorrow so she was hoping the old saying of distance makes the heart grow fonder really was true.

"Ouch you motherfucker!" Levi burst out with and jumped back as she dropped her screw driver. Levi had decided to be productive today and was working on computers she needs fixing by the weekend so she was currently changing a circuit board. Sticking her finger in her mouth to sooth the spot that just received the small electric shock.

A knock on the door disturbed both Levi and Odin, causing him to bark as he trotted to the doormat.

"Alright, good boy." Levi said as she patted Odin's head, causing him to take a few steps back and look at the door expectantly.

"Hi." Levi stared at the girl on the other side of the door frame.

"Hey." Levi responded.

"So...uhhhh, I felt like we should take...probably not over text." Billie said with a shrug, walking in when Levi stepped aside.

Billie went and sat down on the sofa after greeting Odin. "How have you been?" Levi asked as she went to join the girl, making sure to keep some distance between them.

"Fucking shitty."

"Yeah i guessed."

Billie sat there for a few moments and looked down at her lap.

Eventually after the silence between them became awkward Levi decided to once again bite the bullet and speak up. "Are we gonna talk about, yknow, what happened?"

"You left." Was all Billie said in reply.

"Huh?" Levi's face turned to one of confusion.

"You left. I needed you and you left."

"I left because you started talking to me like I was a fuckin turd on your shoe that you'd stood on. I figured in the end you could think about your life easier with me not there."

"I snapped because I was angry! You're my girlfriend you're meant to stay with me when I get pissed off!"

Levi's eyes widened, choosing to ignore that Billie called her her girlfriend. "So you get pissed off and I'm expected to sit tight and take the shitty attitude? I think the fuck not."

"Levi! What did you expect?! You all kept on saying shit I didn't know answers too! You all kept on looking at me like I knew all the answers, like I should know what to do that second!" Both girls were now shouting.

"Listen I don't know what sort of gay panic you're going through-"

"Gay panic?! This is not Fuckin Gay panic!"

"Billie wake the fuck up! You freaked out as soon as the thought that god forbid people knew about us. GAY. PANIC. But that's okay! I don't expect you to have all the answers, you're human, but don't shut me out, dude." Levi tried to bring the volume down.

"No I freaked the fuck out because someone has my personal information. This isn't about YOU Levi!" Billie continued shouting as she ran her fingers through her hair.

Levi took note of how the girls twitching was increasing, but she couldn't find it within herself to calm down now. "Listen to yourself Bil! I haven't said it's about me, not once! All I wanted to do was support you, all I still want to do is support you, but you're pushing me away, and I don't know why!

Billie rubbed the heel of her hands into her eyes. "I don't know! I don't know! Levi, I don't know. I don't know why I'm saying what I am, I don't know what to do, I don't know how to feel, I don't KNOW." Levi's heart broke as Billie's walls shattered down and tears began to flow. "But I do think I need some time to think. So I'm uhhh, I'm gonna be away for a few days. Can we just like, talk when I'm back?"

Levi nodded her head, not sure what else she's meant to say, instead choosing to watch the younger girl stand up and walk straight out the door without turning back.


FYI I suck at writing drama cos my ass gets to involved and can't type quick enough! So I've discovered I spend literally most of my time proof reading all this shit so does anyone wanna volunteer to proof read my shit before I post?

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