Chapter 14 /// Part 7

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"You're literally the only person I know that is fitter after lockdown." Billie mumbled as she watched her girlfriend complete the make shift circuit she had set up in the garden.

Levi scoffs and drops the weight before she stretches her leg out slightly as best she could with the cast. "Would you still perve on me if I had to roll everywhere?"

Billie squinted and covered her eyes from the midday sun. "I resent that. I love you for you. Not because you're a snack."

"Uh-Huh. Billie if I didn't work out," Levi lowered her voice and bent over at the waist so she was eye level to the  younger girl. "How would I have the energy to throw you around?"

Billie felt her breath catch in her throat at the girls smirking face in such close proximity. "Touché."

Levi smiled and stepped back slowly, still trying to get used to the slight sting of pain when she walked on her foot without her crutch. Between physio and Billie insisting she practically did everything for her, Levi has been making great progress in her recovery. She had a video chat consultation and her physio thinks she's a couple of months ahead of schedule which means she can slowly start to hobble around without her crutch as long as she doesn't over exert herself. Billie, of course, beamed widely when Levi told her the update, proud that she had assisted in helping Levi cope.

"When's your next Zoom Class?" Billie asked when Levi gently sat down and lifted up the bottom of her T-Shirt to wipe the sweat off her brow.

"I'm not telling you."


Levi turned her head and glared at Billie. "Because. Last time..." Levi glanced around and lowered her voice. "Because last time, you gave me head from under the fucking desk and in pretty sure my entire class seen my cum face."

Billie grinned proudly, that was a good day.

"And the time before that, you insisted on walking around in the background and I then spent the next hour answering questions about you and people oh so discretely trying to film you in the background." Levi rolled her eyes at the memory, she apparently hadn't gave her girlfriend enough attention that morning so she made sure she was very aware of her presence.

Billie went to open her mouth but was interrupted by her mum shouting them from the back door.

"Guys, we're gonna go deliver some food to the local Medical centre if you wanna come?"

Billie turned to Levi who nodded with a smile.

"Sure, mom. Let Levin just shower though because there's no way her sweaty ass is going in my car."

Maggie smiled and nodded. "Of course. Why don't you two meet us there, we'll text you the address. We need to pick the food up beforehand anyways. Oh, and Finneas and Claudia are gonna meet us there."

"Move your ass, smell. We're taking Sharky and I'm not having you sweat in my car and on my baby."


"Have I told you that you looked hot as fuck today?" Levi questioned as the pair walked back into Billie's house after their time at the medical centre.

Billie smirked and looked over her shoulder back to her girlfriend. "Maybe...but tell me again, mamas."

Levi slowly approached her girlfriend and placed her hand on her hips before pressing her fingers in the soft skin and pulling the girl back into her body. "You look, so so so fine today, baby." Leaning her hand down she placed a soft kiss behind Billie's ear as she felt the goosebumps rise in the back of her neck as Billie raised her hands up to thread in the baby hairs that lay there. "Totally gay. But still fine as hell."

Billie let out a laugh and turned round her her girlfriends arms, allowing her own arms to rest over her girlfriends firm shoulders.

Levi moved the position of her finger slightly to dip into the low cuts on the sides of Billies top.

Levi groaned and rested her head on top of Billie's. "I swear if your parents weren't' home right now I'd be fucking you so good you'd need my crutches."

Billie bit the inside of her cheek to stop her laugh bellowing out.

"You're gonna laugh, aren't you? That not do it for you, huh?" Levi quizzed with a grin.

Billie averted her gaze and bit her bottom lip.

"I'll give you something to laugh about." Levi mumbled before bending her knees slightly and picking Billie up and softly shuffling over to the edge of her bed before throwing the smaller girl down on it, smiling at the laugh that came from the girl when she bounced down.

Levi moved quickly and grabbed her girlfriends ankle with one hand and yanked her shoe off with the other and then yanking the sock off. Quickly dropping the black sock she brought her fingers up and began tickling them up and down the girls foot, causing her to erupt with screaming.

"You fucker!" Billie let out between breaths.

Levi grinned and got her ankle in her grip again so she could have access to her foot.

Billie's legs kicked out furiously as she tried to get Levi to let her grip go of her feet. Her biggest regret was Levi figuring out so quickly that her feet were so sensitive.

Levi didn't have time to react when she felt Billie's ankle leave her hand and fly forward. All she felt was the wind leaving her body and her blood pumping directly to her dick where Billie's foot just collided.

Levi let out a groan as she brought both her hands down to cup her crotch, squeezing her eyes together and puffing out her cheeks.

Billie sat up with wide eyes. "Oh Fuck, babe I'm so sorry, are you okay?"

Levi was silent for a beat. "Mmmmhmmm" she eventually answered.

Billie moved silently, getting off the bed and wrapping her arms around her girlfriends waist and guided her to move so she could collapse down on the bed.

Levi followed her movements and curled up on the bed, keeping her hands in place to protect her crotch, the pain now pumping through her stomach.

"Jesus." She groaned out.

"Shit, did I like break your dick or something? I'm sorry, love!" Billie exclaimed as she crawled on the bed, allowing Levi to cuddle herself into her side and bury her head into her neck before bringing her hand up to stroke the back of her neck.

Billie frowned as Levi spoke, unable to make out what she was saying. "I'm sorry...what?"

"I said just cuddle me." Billie let out a small laugh and turned her head to place a kiss on the side of Levi's head.

The two girls lay in silence, one trying to wish the pain away, one trying to ignore the feel of her girlfriends dick pushing against her thigh.

"You could sing to me too...I mean if you wanted." Levi mumbled against Billie's skin.

"Oh I could, huh?"

Levi nodded against Billie's neck.

"It's not true," Levi smiled as Billie began singing. "Tell me I've been lied to, Crying isn't like you, ooh
What the hell did I do?"

"Kicked me in the dick."

Hello gorgeous babies.

I have returned, well no, I didn't go anywhere, but hello anyway.

Hope you're all staying safe.

K lemme know what u think stay perfect bye

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