Chapter 21 /// Part 2

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"The fucking cheek of her. Literally the fucking balls that woman must have!" Billie ranted as she paced the floor in front of the couch which currently had Levi lounging on as she ate some cereal with no milk.

"Bil', it's not that big of a deal. So she winked at me, big whoop." Levi replied with a shrug, only angering her newly blonde girlfriend.

"That's not the point, Levin!" Billie groaned as she ran her hand through her hair. "The point is she knows you're mine. I have made it PERFECTLY clear numerous times, but fucking Dina...god I'm so damn angry."

Levi's eyes watched every movement the girl made, still pacing in front of her. "Babe-"

"Like I was right there with you! Right there. Literally next to you." Billie paused for a breathe but instead let out a loud sigh before turning to Levi with a small pout.

Levi took a moment and put her bowl of cereal on the ground before opening up her arms wide. "Cuddle?"

Billie rolled her eyes. "What? I'm literally— yes I want to cuddle. Idiot." Billie mumbled before throwing herself on top of her taller girlfriend, allowing her arms to wrap around and consume her. "Stupid attractive girlfriend."

Levi said nothing but rolled her eyes now that Billie couldn't see her as she placed a kiss on top of the girls head, inhaling her scent as her lips lingered.

The pair stayed in that position for a few moments more before Billie's phone started pinging on the coffee table.

"Who's that?" Levi asked after it pinged for the fourth time in a row.

Billie shrugged, not moving from her position. "Probably Finneas or something."

Levi frowned at her response, knowing the girl had all her close friends and family set to different tones so she would always know if she needed to read it straight away or not when she was busy.

"Who is it?" Levi mumbled into Billie's hair, giving the girl another chance.

Billie shrugged again, tightening her arms around her. "I dunno, I'll check later. Cuddle me." She said, using her baby voice to ask for cuddles.

"I mean, I can reach it." Levi said as she stretched her arm out and grabbed Billie's phone, handing it to the girl but not before catching a quick glimpse at the name currently blowing up her phone. "Who's Toby?" She asked with a frown. It felt like one of those questions which you already don't want the answer too.

Billie locked her phone without reading the messages. "Just a guy from the label."

Levi dropped one of her arms which was wrapped around Billie as she tried to pull her head back to get her girlfriend to look at her. "You've never mentioned him before." Levi said, trying to step carefully.

Billie scoffed before sitting up straight on the sofa, no longer sitting near Levi. "Do I have to tell you about everyone at the label? 'Cos there's more of you want me to list them, god."

"What? No of course not." Levi responded with a frown. "But you always tell me about people at the label, especially when they blow your phone up like that." Levi paused as she knew Billie would respond but before the blonde could her phone was cut off once again by it pinging with a new message. "C'mon Bil'."

Billie grabbed her phone and swiped the message of without reading it before putting it In her pocket.

"Who's Toby?" Levi asked again, not liking the tight feeling she was getting in her stomach.

"He's nobody."


"He's nobody."

"Then why are you hiding something from me? We tell each other everything, and you're not being honest with me. Just tell me." Levi said with her arms out. Getting more and more frustrated at the secrecy.

Billie didn't respond but Levi could see she was biting the inside of her cheeks.

"I'm starting to get pissed off now, Bil'."

Billie threw her head back with a loud sigh before bringing her hand up to rub at her eyes. "He's," Billie paused. "He's sur some guy I went out with once, he got back in touch 'cos he's in AA and he wanted to make amends."

Levi frowned before sitting up straight. "So you're talking to a guy you went out with before?"

"I sounds way worse than it is."

"Then how is it because it sounds pretty fucking bad!" Levi raised her voice slightly before taking a deep breath. For one, she knew she was the calmer and level headed one in their relationship, and two she knows it'll piss Billie off.

"You're making it sound like I'm hooking up with him or something!" Billie stated loudly.

"You're talking a guy you used to like enough to I supposed to invite him around for dinner?!"

"Why are you being so touchy about this? The dude wants to make amends, he's in recovery that's it."

"Billie, you just spent twenty minutes ranting at me because some woman winked at me. But you want me to take you talking to a dude? Do you hear yourself? Did you sleep with him?"

Billie didn't respond, knowing her answer will only upset Levi further. Unfortunately, no answer was as good as a response.

"You did didn't you? Jesus ch-"

"It was way before I even knew you! I don't get angry because you slept with people before me!" Billie now shouted.

"And what if I started talking to one of those girls again? You'd flip your shit and you know it! You know what pissing me off though, Bil? It's not that you're talking to him, it's that you kept it from me. You thought it was worth keeping a secret. And that's what's in my head. You thought you talking to him was worth keeping a secret and I can't get my head around that. 'Cos if that was me? And one of my ex's texted me? I'd tell you about it, purely so this shit wouldn't happen. Cos I know how much it'd hurt you that I kept it secret."

"I kept it secret because I don't think it was worth it! It was that insignificant to me that I didn't bother telling you 'cos I didn't want to worry you or get conscious about it!" Billie didn't like the feeling she was getting, guilt laced with dread at how angry Levi is.

"But you thought this was better?!" Levi was interrupted by Billie's phone pinging again. "Oh fuck off." Levi said as she stood up and walked to the front door, throwing her shoes on and grabbing her wallet and keys.

"Where are you going?!" Billie shouted, slightly out of panic.

"Away from you. You're pissing me off." Levi stepped to the door and opened it, the ping sounding out again. "For god sake put your phone on silent!" She angrily huffed out before slamming the door.

So...who's side y'all on?

Also, hi! Guys I hit 600K reads recently so I just wanna thank everyone who's took the time out to give this book a go, and especially a big thank you to those who have stuck by it. I'm thankful for each and everyone of you.

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