Chapter 5 /// Part 1

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Chapter 5 /// Part 1

Being backstage in an empty arena isn't exactly something Levi is used to. She's not even sure if it's something she likes just yet, but Billie wanted her here, and what Billie wants, Billie gets. Or so she thinks.

It's not helped that Levi struggled to get to sleep last night, meaning not only is she grouchy, but it's masking her more aware of any bright lights around. Backstage, like right now, seems to be fine. It's dark and sheltered and the lights are just normal.

Plus, Billie has been like a kid at Christmas showing her around the arena.

"Wanna see something awesome?" Billie asked as she grabbed Levi's hand and interlocked their fingers, dragging her down the corridor till they turn the corner.

"I've died and gone to heaven." Levi mumbled once they turned.

"It's like food heaven, right?" Billie laughed and gave Levi's hand a squeeze and pulled her over to some of the first catering tables in front of them. "Make up a plate, dude."

Levi wasted no time and immediately stacked her plate high. Donuts, pizza slices, morzerella sticks, Doritos, pretty much everything that was on the tables was now on her plate. Her hands hovered over the chicken wings that were on the table but she thought better. Knowing Billie is Vegan, she's not about to chump down on a chicken wing in front of her. Instead she opted for some celery sticks. That made her sad.

"You can eat the meat yknow, I'm not gonna like freak out." Billie reassured her.

"I know." Was all Levi said, still making no effort to change her mind. Billie's smiled as the girl walked over to one of the tables stored in the room and sat down.

Levi didn't hesitate to dig into the food as soon as her butt touched the seat.

"Damn, mami. You hungry or somethin'?" Billie laughed as she started picking at her own less filled plate.

"If you're gonna know me, you gotta accept I have the appetite of like 5 grown men." Levi waved a piece of pizza in front of her face as she chewed what was in her mouth.

"There's having an appetite and then there's eating like you are calm you you fuckin' animal!" Billie laughed.

"Leave me be, woman! It's free food!"

"Damn you're cute as hellll." Billie muttered after their laughter died down. Levi didn't reply, just grinned as her cheeks were filled with food she was chewing. "Hamster lookin' ass."

"Don't make me let me load out on you." Levi argues as she puts her hand in front of her mouth to cover it.

"Baby you can dump your load on me anytime." Billie followed with a wink.


The two girls sat there for about 45 minutes after they had finished their food.

Levi wouldn't admit it, but the girl in front of her was making her feel some type of way. The conversation flowed so easy, one topic would finish and somehow there was always something to fill the silence. When they were quiet, it wasn't awkward or tense, it was comforting. Levi especially wouldn't admit  that the leg that Billie kept knocking into hers made her stomach want to explode with a thousand butterflies anytime their knees connected.

The background noise started to increase from people filling up in the arena.

"Billie, you need to get wired up. 'Sup Levi!" Finneas stick his head round the corner to give Billie the heads up.

Billie nodded her head and glanced at the plain white t-shirt Levi was wearing with some ripped jeans. "You're gonna need to change that shirt." She stayed as the two girls walked towards her brother.

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