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𝐑𝐞𝐛𝐞𝐜𝐜𝐚'𝐬 𝐏𝐎𝐕

Your phone wouldn't stop buzzing. At 5am in the morning when you just found a comfy position, someone decides to call you.

"Baby," Cas nudged you, still half asleep. "Answer the ting, it's making bare noise."

"Ugh." You took it off your bedside table to see who was calling you. Willow. She gets up at like 4 o'clock in the morning to go to work, but that doesn't mean she has to harass you. Does she not have friends? You picked up the phone, "mum. I'm tryna sleep."

"Have you got the daily mail news app?" She asked casually.

The news app? Seriously? This woman woke up, knowing full well that you find it hard to sleep, to ask you about the news app. She gets on your nerves sometimes. "No."

"Well you should get it cuz you're all over it. I dunno what happened in Harrods yesterday but there's some video of you cussing out a woman, another video of you struggling to breathe, and a picture of Casyo's dick-"

"What?!" Now you're definitely not gonna be able to get back to sleep. Cas yawned and opened his eyes, asking what was wrong. "Mum, who... what... I'm gonna need a more information than that!"

She laughed down the line. "He didn't get exposed or anything. It's his dick print. Apparently he was wearing grey shorts and it erm... became visible after he kissed you in the shop. I've seen the footage. You have good taste, daughter. Very good taste."

"I'm not with Cas for his dick, ok? That's just a bonus."

"Look at you. No wonder you're pregnant."

You couldn't help but giggle a little. Cas frowned, "why you chattin to your mum about my dick? I know you're excited to have a mum and shit, but that's not the kinda convo you should be bussing with her."

"Your dick print's all over the internet."

He chuckled. "Lucky them," and fell back asleep. My man wasn't bothered at all.

You rolled your eyes. This wouldn't necessarily ruin his reputation - it would probably make it better, but you don't like bitches seeing what belongs to you. If he thought they were on him before, they're defo not gonna stop harassing him now. "Mum, what other videos were there?"

"Lemme have a look... ok so there's the one about the dick print, another one of you yelling at some woman for touching you, there's one of Cas and Mateo looking at shoes, and the last one is about how you couldn't breathe after talking to the woman who was touching you. They're earning money off you. Anything that happens in public - good or bad - they're gonna make a big deal out of it."

Both you and Cas hate the press. It's their job to be inner but they're too inner. Everything else about fame is fine, but the press aggravates you. "Are you coming to speak to Wynter again?"

"Mmhm. She was a bit closed off yesterday so I'm hoping she'll open up today. You guys have to be patient with her. If she lashes out for no reason, you have to understand that she's frustrated and it'll take time to get used to this. Treat her normally. Don't keep asking her if she's ok or if she needs anything, I can tell she gets embarrassed by that. See you later, baby girl. I love you."

"Love you too, mum. Bye." You cut the phone and proceeded to download this news app that she was talking about. The DMs and stuff were already flooding in. "Cas-"

The sound of someone retching from down the corridor made his head shoot up. "What the fuck?"

"I think it's Mateo. Lemme go check if he's ok." You went to the bathroom to see him crouched over the toilet. "You alright, bubs?"

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