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𝐂𝐚𝐬𝐲𝐨'𝐬 𝐏𝐎𝐕
𝟒 𝐝𝐚𝐲𝐬 𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫

"Why the fuck is Bec still not tryna chat to me?!"

I've had enough. It's been 4 days.

When I got to the twins's house, they told me she was in the bedroom and she didn't wanna talk, so I gave her space. I went back the next day and they said the same exact thing. On 3rd day, they repeated that shit. But day 4? No. Sutten's going on.

"She said she'll talk tomorrow," Nana stuttered, tryna smile.

I narrowed my eyes at the two of them. They're moving sus. "D'you think I'm stupid? You lot don't know where she is, do you?"

Nelly chortled nervously. "Course we do! She's asleep right now-"

"Don't LIE to me!" I bellowed. They both jumped back. "Her phone's off or dead cah it's goin straight to voicemail. She ain't with Dave, she ain't here, so where is she?! Please, man. I need to know if she's ok. She could've got shot, kidnapped..."

"Kidnapped?" Nana scoffed, "that's a bit of a stretch-"

"You don't know what she's been through so shut the fuck up. Look, if you know where she is, just tell me. I'm actually begging you."

"We don't. After you called that night, she left the house and we dunno where she went. She didn't take her clothes or put on shoes. Sorry for lying to you." Nelly was barely able to look me in the eye. "I'm really sorry."

I forced a laugh. She's 'really sorry'? Both of them are lucky I don't put bullets in their skulls. Bec could be anywhere right now, with anyone. Mai's after her. Her brother's boys are after her. And these lot are here lying to me like it's nothing. "Aight cool."

"Prince - "

"Don't call my name. She's in serious danger." I know they don't know what's going on, and it's Becca's decision whether they should find out or not, but they can't just let her wander off. She ain't been home for 4 days. Surely they would've clocked something's up. "Ask around for her."

~ • ~

I went back home and gathered my mandem. Once again, we were back in this position. Bec's gone missing and we have to find her.

"Bro," Dave sighed. "Why's she always gettin lost? Does she wear glasses?"

"Don't make jokes like that," I hissed. I don't even have the patience for Dave today. I should've seen this one coming. It was unpredictable, but I should've fuckin predicted it. "If you ain't here to help then just bake. I'm not in the mood."

"You're never in the mood," he muttered back. "Who's this Mai woman?"

"Brianna's mum. You remember her, innit? The crazy 8 year old with bare hair who kidnapped Becca the first time."

He smirked. "Her mum's involved as well? And she wants this same dollhouse? You been fuckin with the wrong niggas, my guy."

"Not my choice. My mum was..." I don't like talking about my mum. There's not really much to say. I killed her because I had to. It's not like she was there for me anyway. "Just think of where she could be." The doorbell rang. I dragged myself up to go open it, then huffed when I saw who was there. "Staci-"

"Wait, please. I heard Becca's missing again. Have you thought about the woods? Maybe she's gone to the graveyard to talk to her brother or something."

It was a good idea, but I didn't trust this girl. "For 4 days? You're tellin me she's sat on that muddy grass, through the rain, and talked to her brother for 4 days?"

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