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𝐂𝐚𝐬𝐲𝐨'𝐬 𝐏𝐎𝐕
𝟑 𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐤𝐬 𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫

"Shhh. Stop cryin, man. Why's he always cryin?"

Rebecca rolled her eyes at me and picked Jacob from the bed. "He just wants a hug, see?" I watched her rock him, smiling to myself. "What?" She smiled back.

"When are you tryna have my kids?" I chuckled. She just rolled her eyes again and placed my son on the bed.

Me and Bec have had sex 3 times. I used protection twice.

But forgot it once.

She obviously doesn't wanna get pregnant now - there's a very slim chance of that happening, but I wouldn't mind her having my yutes. I already have Jacob, but I'm not attracted to Aniko in that way. It's gonna be different when Bec gets pregnant. I can't wait.

"You think he looks like me?" I asked.

"Defo. Cas, this isn't how I imagined things. It's meant to be me and you. Not me, you, Aniko and Jacob."

My smile faded a little. It probably wasn't the best idea to do what I did. I wanna get to know Jacob; he is my son, after all. But Aniko doesn't trust me to look after him by myself so we compromised. He can stay with me at weekends. But she has to stay, too.

It's awkward as fuck.

"I know, Bec. But I want Jacob to have a relationship with me. I don't even know my dad, and that's a shit feeling so I can't take my son for granted. I didn't expect Aniko to wanna stay too but if that's the sacrifice I have to make, then I'll make it."

"...I'm gonna go stay with Nana and Nelly."

My face actually dropped. My eyes, ears, mouth, nose, beard - everything. I felt all that shit deflate. "What? Why? Is it over? We're still together, innit? Bec, you can't just walk away-"

"I'm not." I could tell she found my panic funny, but I was actually worried I'd lose her. She's the only girl that's stuck by me, even when I act like a dickhead. "It's just... it's gonna take some getting used to."

"And how are you gonna get used to it if you're staying in a different house? You're doin exactly what I did. You're running away cah I have a son. I want you to know him, too, I want you to love him-"

"He's not my child, Cas!" She said sharply, running her hands through her hair. "I'm not his mum, you have to understand that."

"I know you ain't."

"Then don't expect me to act like it. You have 2 lives now. One with Jacob and Aniko, and one with me. But I'm not getting involved in the other one."

Maybe she's right. Subconsciously, I want her to play the role of Jacob's mum because he's my son and she's my girl so it makes sense. But it doesn't work that way. "Bec, just stay. What about your brother's mandem? Or Mai? I don't want no one takin you off the street, it's late at night."

"I'll get a cab - "

"I'll be your cab."

She blushed. "Ok, lemme pack my bag. I'll come home on Monday after sixth form. I'm gonna miss you."

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