"I'm horny, Michael and- and I don't know what to do about it because I'm well..." I trailed off not wanting to tell him I was a virgin.

"... A virgin?" He finished the sentence for me. I blushed.

"Yeah, but how'd you know?" I asked.

"Well, for one as dirty minded as you are, you're still quite innocent. Then there's the fact that you won't let me see you naked even after we've been dating this long, then the fact that any time we get steamy, you won't let anything happen because you always say that you aren't ready. I mean I don't care because I love you, and I'll wait until you're ready, but I kinda figured it out." He told me smiling at me comfortingly. He leaned down and placed a short kiss on my lips.

"Can you help me with something?" I asked him. He looked confused, I guess he thought I was trying to change the subject after the conversation we'd just had, but I wasn't. He nodded none the less. "I'm horny and I don't wanna be a virgin anymore, can you help me fix that?" I asked him blushing. He immediately smiled and put his hands on my hips pulling me on top of him so I was straddling him. I could feel his bulge underneath me so apparently the movie made him horny too.

"Oh I can fix that for sure." He said as he brought one of his hands from my hip up to the side of my neck, pulling my face down to his. He caught my lips in his, and kissed me gently, it slowly getting deeper and needier. He pulled away slowly, bringing my bottom lip with him between his teeth. I looked at him with complete admiration and he looked at me the same way.

"We should take this up to your room incase they come back." He said to me. Him saying this made me so nervous, it made me realize that it was actually happening. I giggled and said okay, so he wrapped his hands around me and picked me straight up so I was wrapped around him, and he started walking us upstairs. He started going towards his room, and I figured he had just forgotten that we were gonna go to my room, so I giggled. He kissed my neck a few times before asking,

"What are you laughing about?" Then he kissed my neck a few more times. I giggled again.

"I thought you said we were gonna do this in my room, you're heading to yours." You said smiling at him. He stopped walking.

"We can do it in whatever room you're more comfortable with, but I was heading to my room to get a condom because I didn't figure that you would have any." He told me, and I blushed feeling stupid.

"Oh yeah I don't have any, but can we still do it in my room? It's just I don't share my room with anyone and you do, so if they come home there's such a bigger chance of them interrupting us in your room." I said.

"Of course baby," he said putting me down, "Why don't you go get comfortable in your room, and I'll go get a condom and meet you in your room? Sound good?" He asked sweetly. I nodded and headed to my room. I left the door open and quickly cleaned anything that looked messy, and then I sat on my bed, and waited for him. A few minutes later he came in, shutting and locking the door behind him. He walked over and put the condom on my nightstand.

"Are you sure y/n, because it's okay if you're not." He asked wanting to make sure I was okay.

"I am sure. I want to do this, I want this to happen with you, I trust you. I'm just nervous, that's all." I told him smiling a little, even though I was screaming out of nerves on the inside.

"Well let's try to calm your nerves a little bit, and if you're uncomfortable at any time or with anything let me know, because it's your first time I'm more concerned about you having a pleasurable experience." He said as he sat down next to me on the bed. We started kissing, then he lightly pushed me so I was laying down, and he crawled on top of me, his knees resting beside my hips and his hands holding him up, placed right beside my ears. I was comfortable with this, because we'd done all of this before I was just still slightly panicking knowing what was coming later. He pulled his lips from mine and started trailing a line of kisses down my jaw to my neck. Making a hickey on my neck, I let out a soft moan, and he smiled against my neck. He kissed down to my collar bone, leaving a hickey there too. He sat up placing his hands lightly on top of my stomach and slightly crunched my shirt up in his fists.

Michael SanzoneWhere stories live. Discover now