'Have you thought about the wedding yet? I don't wanna press you for an answer but you know, like I said last night. My dad is pretty keen to get things organised.'

Noah sighs, and I worry that I've upset him, but he grins at me and ruffles my hair. I'd normally flip out if someone did it to me, (that someone is usually Quinn), but it's different for Noah. I'm just happy to get more contact from him before I leave.

'We'll see okay? I'll let you know real soon.'

'You're a tease.'

'Oh I know. But I'm also a train wreck. So it doesn't exactly go hand in hand.'

I grin as I exit the bathroom and grab my small suitcase which I left outside the bathroom in the hallway whilst I was doing my teeth. I unzip a small compartment in the case and slip my toothbrush and paste into it, as Noah watches, leaning against the door to the bathroom.

'You haven't forgot my shirt have you?'

I grin at him as I stand up, and unzip my black hoodie halfway down so he can see that I'm wearing my new prized possession.

'You were sweating buckets in that shirt on stage last night, and you're wearing it the day after?'

'Hey, it smells better than it did when I got it from you.'

Noah swats at me with his arm and I duck, avoiding it to scoop up my suitcase and I manage to flip him off as I head down the stairs. The front door is already open, the darkness from outside close to seeping inside, and Noah's parents are waiting at the bottom of the stairs, grins on their faces. I redden a little, hoping they didn't see me flipping Noah off, not that they'd really mind. It'd just be embarrassing. Noah's dad spots me and beams.

'Oh perfect timing! The car's just arrived.'

I fumble with the zip on my hoodie as I reach the bottom of the stairs, struggling to cover up the shirt. I don't think his parents would be particularly suspicious about me wearing a t-shirt like this, it's a pretty common one amongst popular kids my age. I don't want them trying to put two and two together, resulting in me accidentally outing Noah when he's not ready.

'You got everything you need Robbie?'

'Yeah, I think I'm good.'

I drop my small suitcase on the ground and adjust the shoulder straps on my rucksack. I've always liked travelling light, and the advantage of only wearing the same types of clothes meant I don't have to pack much.

'If you've forgotten something, then don't worry just get in touch with Noah and we'll mail it to you.'

I look from Noah's mum to his dad, and I struggle to hold back the tears.

'Thank you so much. For everything. I--' I'm choking up a little bit now, and I'm luckily saved by both Noah and Chloe appearing out of nowhere and pulling me into a family hug. I open my eyes despite the tears, and I see Noah's hand reaching around to mine, and he gives my hand a little squeeze.

We all pull out of the hug, and I step out of the door.

'Thanks so much for everything.'

'Don't be silly. We loved the gig, and we're incredibly happy to have been there for you.'

'I'll be checking your progress on Instagram!' Chloe chips in, and I smile at the entire family in the hallway, who've treated me like one of their own. Noah's trying not to look, and I can see the pain on his face.

'Hey.' I instinctively say, and he looks at me along with the rest of his family.

'I'll see you around.'

Wait For Me to Come Home (Noah Schnapp x Gay Male OC Story)Where stories live. Discover now