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(TW~ Mentions of near-death from allergy, mentions of self-harm via allergy. Also, I don't think it's a trigger but uh... Roman's very sick and so... it's also descriptive... with nausea. )

Roman knew he shouldn't have done it. Worse still, he knew he had lied to Virgil. Yet even as the pain set in he knew he'd never regret it. It was delicious and he wished he could have more, even if it caused him to suffer so much. His stomach was in knots. His head was spinning like crazy. His heart was racing and it was hard to breathe. He knew there were others like him. He knew. He wasn't this only fairy who couldn't have dairy but... He just... He felt off knowing he had this extreme allergy to something everyone around him could enjoy so easily. And unlike humans, fairy allergies aren't the same. Sure some of the symptoms are similar but...

"Ah, fuck." Roman groaned as he hunched over the toilet praying he didn't throw up again. He felt weak. Very weak. His magic was unstable and his glamour refused to stay up. After awhile of dry heaving, he leaned back against the tub and just gasped for air. Fairies don't have things like epi-pens. Things like that won't help them. Roman had to suffer through the effects without anything to really help. Not unless Eliena stopped by and even then there really wasn't much she could do. Even still, Roman didn't regret it. "Room... Room stop spinning. Please?" Roman laughed at himself as his body fell slightly into the wall, his eyes slipping shut with a grimace of pain. He did wish Remus was here. 

Whenever this happened before Remus always played the nurse and helped take care of him. So much so he even fought the doctor once who tried to tell him it wasn't what Remus said it was. Remus was right of course. As he knew about Roman's allergy and the doctor did not. Unfortunately, after the last time Roman early died because of it Remus told him flat out he couldn't do it anymore, and Roman understood. He just wished he wasn't alone in this. 

"I can't..." Roman groaned as his eyes refused to open. "Can't move... shit." Of course, it was then that there was a knock to the bathroom door. Part of him prayed it was Remus. Even if he didn't want to hurt his brother by forcing him into this again, he needed someone. He's always been very VERY clingy when sick. Then Roman wished it was Janus. Even if Janus hadn't ever seen Roman like this, he knew Remus had spoken about it. He knew Janus would care for him and that if he had to he would get Remus to help. However, when the door creaked open it wasn't either. 

"Poppy?" Roman smiled through the pain as he eyes weekly separated to see Virgil carefully peeking through the door. "Are you..."

"C-Cam...p-pion." Roman coughed and groaned as he quickly covered his mouth chocking back the sudden urge to gag. He couldn't stop the whine that tore through him as the door finally opened enough for the younger to see him. Tears fell from the prince's eyes as he chocked. It was so hard to breathe.


"I... I can't..." Roman was once again hunched over the toilet, spitting out all the crap his stomach decided it didn't want, as Virgil gently rubbed his back hoping to ease him. "...fuck. I'm sorry."

"Remus said you would get sick." Roman only nodded as another wave of intense nausea slammed him under so fast he was choking on what he couldn't spit out in time. "Shh, Poppy. You're ok. I've got you." Roman was actually sobbing. His entire body felt so sick. He was in pain and weak from head to toe. When he finally spit the last bit out of his mouth, gaging at the leftover taste, he literally fell back into Virgil unable to support himself. "Come on. Let's get you to bed."

"Can't..." Roman cried as he latched onto Virgil, panting excessively as the smaller picked him up. "Can't move. Too sick... too..." Virgil laughed softly as Roman whined and leaned into him more. Virgil cradled him into his chest as he moved him to his bed. Roman cried out as Virgil laid him down, his tears falling more as he tried to grab hold of the other, too weak to have any actual grip. "Virgil. No, don't... Please? Please, Campion. Don't want to be alone."

"You won't be, Poppy. I just need to make sure you have everything you need ok?" Roman reluctantly nodded, his head swimming all the more as he pressed himself back into the pillows hoping it all stopped. He hated getting sick. He hated it so much. The time he had almost died was the absolute worst. It was his fault entirely just as this time was too. Remus didn't know as Roman haad never told him. All he knew was Roman was depressed over his nightingale and then ended up sick from dairy. He didn't realize the two were connected. 

Roman had had an episode back when Nightengale first left. It was bad and it made him lose control. He'd seen all those stereotypes about heartbreaks. Where the girl sobs as they gorge themself on icecream. Well... Roman decided he was going to do the same. 

He didn't care that he was hurting himself. He didn't care if it would be agony later on. He already felt broken and just wanted to get it out in some way. Seeing how that stereotypical scene tended to do at least something for the clique women... Roman just wanted to try. He didn't eat as much as they always did. He couldn't for obvious reasons. However, at the end of the day, he managed to eat a full bowl of ice cream before going home to await the torture he knew would befall him. Remus was... in shock to say the least. As stated he didn't know Roman had chosen to eat dairy or that he had eaten so much. He was terrified but at the time Roman didn't really care. He just wanted all the pain to stop. Even with his allergy making him suffer Roman could still feel every ounce of pain he felt the second Nightengale left. It just never went away. It only got easier to manage. 

"Here you go, Poppy." Roman sighed softly feeling the cold cloth get placed on his forehead. He could hear the sizzle from the bead of water trailing down his skin. With his magic so unstable he must have felt like a sauna. Virgil gently placed the bucket beside the bed and the bag of supplies on the nightstand, before sitting down beside his sickly friend. His fingers ghosted Roman's cheeks as he frowned in concern. Even with the glamour gone and Roman's skin as black as charcoal Virgil still somehow knew he was flushed. "How are you feeling? Be honest with me, please?"

"I... hurt... bad." Roman mumbled as he fussed about not liking how Virgil was too far away for him to hold. "It hurts."

"Do you need medicine or..."

"No. Won't matter." Virgil's frown only grew as Roman weakly tried to reach out for his hand. "I'm sorry."

"You lied to me, you know? You said you would be ok." Virgil let his hand slip into Roman's who tugged on it lightly telling Virgil he wanted him to get closer. "I don't want you doing that again. Not if it makes you this sick Roman."

"But it was so good." Roman whined teasingly as he smirked through the pain. "You tasted so sweet. I..."

"Poppy, please!" Roman's smile fell instantly as he opened his eyes again to see the tears in his love's eyes. "Please?"

"I never wanted to hurt you, Virgil. I just... wanted to experience it myself." Virgil nodded as Roman tensed slightly fighting off another wave of nausea before whining and trying to pull Virgil closer again. "It hurts. Campion, please? Please... h-hold me." Virgil's face softened as Roman choked out and cried. "Please?"

"Whatever you need, Poppy."

*Discontinued* NightingaleWhere stories live. Discover now