Chapter 46

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I look down at the angel sleeping in my arms, wondering how I got so lucky.
I can't really remember the moment that I knew, that I really fall in love with her. I guess it just happened. Each moment that we spent together, brought me closer to loving her.
She wrapped me around her finger and it happened before I even noticed.

Glancing over at my nightstand, I think of the little box that I've hidden in there, the one with my mother's ring.
Ones this all is over, it'll be Anna's ring. Anna, the girl who saved me from myself and the madness of this world, will soon be my fiancé.

Anna stirs in her sleep and her eyebrows knot together. I softly kiss her forehead and pull her closer to me. She instantly relaxes again and continues to sleep, making me think of how cute she looks.

I internally groan, glad that no one can see me. Gabriel, the bug, dangerous, leader of Il Capello. Being completely at the mercy of this girl, even when she is asleep.

Looking at the clock, I see that it's only 3am. How ironically, 3am, the devil's hour, as if they know what I'm going to happen tomorrow, or well, today.

Wrapping my arms around Anna even tighter, I close my eyes. I need some more sleep for the upcoming activities.


The bed feels cold. My arm automatically starts to feel around for Anna, but I can't find her. Within a second, I'm standing next to the bed. Anna normally sleeps longer than me, something must be wrong.
I quickly throw on some pants and run downstairs.
Sounds are coming out of the kitchen, so I quickly make my way over.

My heart summersaults as I step through the door opening,
Anna is standing in front of the stove, making breakfast.

Quietly, I step behind her and wrap my arms around her waist. I can feel her jump a little, making me chuckle.
"I'm sorry Angel." I softly say into her ear, and I leave a soft kiss under her earlobe. "I didn't mean to scare you."
She sends me a beautiful smile before focusing back on the food she is making.

I stay behind her, with my arms wrapped around her until she is finished cooking and we sit down at the kitchen table to eat our breakfast.
"Have you been up long?" I ask Anna.
"Not that long really. I woke up around six and wasn't able to fall back asleep so I decided to make you some breakfast."
"Grazie Angelo."
"You are very welcome." She answers with a smile.


After we finished breakfast, Gabriel went back upstairs to get dressed.
I decided to hang around in my pj's a little longer, since I don't have any plans for today. Gabriel's plan however, makes me slightly nervous.

"Gooooooooooodmorning!" Christy sings as she walks into the kitchen.
"Good morning, Breakfast is on the stove. Better get some before the twins eat it all."
"We would never let a girl starve." Aro says as he and Joel walk in. "We would leave her some crumbs." Joel finishes his brother's sentence.
"Have you seen our brother?" They ask me in sync.
"He's getting ready. Get some breakfast, I'm sure he'll be down soon."

The three of them sit down and we talk until Gabriel and Raphael walk in.
"Is everyone ready?" Gabriel asks as he steps in, earning a nod from the twins. "The others will meet us at our warehouse, so we better get going."

Raphael steps towards Christy and gives her a sweet kiss. "Be good." He says to her with a wink.
"You know I never am good." Christy answers back, giggling.

I turn around to Gabriel, only to see that he is already watching me.
"Will you be okay on your own today angel?"
"I won't be alone. Christy is here and your father said that he would come over as well."
"I know." He answers with a serious look on his face. "I just don't like the idea of leaving you alone like this. Not after everything that has happened."
"Just promise me that you'll be back soon."
"I will angel. And when I get back, we have to make a decision about your father."
I hum, not really wanting to think about that right now.

SavedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora