Chapter 25

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I look around the room at all the man and woman who work for me. All together I think we come close to a 100 members, all working in different sectors.
We don't have many meetings like this. We normally fit it to dangerous to have everyone at the same place at ones.
But today, we made an exaptation. Cause today, this will involve everyone who is even slightly involved with il Capello.

I nod at Raphael, signalling that we're ready to begin. He stands up and yells "Silence!" in a strong and power voice. 
The entire room immediately quiets down and all eyes turn towards the small stage we sat up in the front, centre, of the room.

"Thank you all for coming." I say once I'm in the centre of the stage.
"I'm sure you've all heard some rumours about curtain things happening with il Capello and it's members. That's why I ordered you all to be here today."
I look around the room, making sure that everyone is still listening and has their focus on me.

"The Bratstvo's have been sending us treats for a while now and a couple of days back they actually executed one. They found a way to my girl and destroyed her apartment."
A whisper erupts once I say the words 'my girl'. Not everyone in the gang knew about Anna yet.
"Why don't you just dump her? That would solve the problem easily." A voice yells from the crowed.
More voices react, some agreeing, others telling him to shut up.  And I totally agree with the later group.
"Silence!" I say, my voice filled with anger. "You will show more respect then this! This is not me asking you for your opinion. This is your boss telling you what is going to happen!"

I nod towards Raphael and River and they jump down the stage to grab the man who yelled first. His eyes show fear as soon as they get close to him, but that doesn't stop them. They both take hold of an arm and drag him away from the crowd.

"Anyone ells who wants to join him in the cellars?" the room stays silence, no one dares to even think about answering that question.
"Good. I demand respect from all of you. Not only respect for me, but for tutta familia! Anna is now part of the familia, so you will all treat her with the same respect, as you have to give me. Did I make myself clear?' A murmur of yesses is heard and I nod.
"Anyone not doing so, will have to learn again. And you all know how I do that."
I take a slow look around the room, making sure to lock some eyes so I know they will follow my orders.

"Now, to continue what I was saying earlier. The Bratstvo have made the first move. Let's make sure that it will be their last!"


I wake up to a silence house. The guys all had to leave early for a meeting, so I have the place for myself for a couple of hours.
I decided to take a long, hot shower, to relax my stressed muscles a little.

I've made my last exam. Now it's all out of my hands and I can change nothing about it anymore. Today I will hear weather or not I can graduate. I get slightly nervous when I think of it.
The apartment, my apartment where I worked so hard for, is currently unsafe for me. The Bratstvo has destroyed my home. And I probably won't be moving back any time soon.
And last but not least, my father joining the Bratstvo, Gabriel's' enemy. I know e is a bad person, but even I never thought that my father would go this far.
Thanks to his letters I was always able to understand his moves before he would do something. But now, I have no idea what he is planning.

After a while, I get out of the shower and put on some clothing. I decide to skip my make-up today, since I'm not planning on going anywhere today.
Making sure that my phone is charged, has the sound on, and is in my back pocket, I make my way downstairs.

Walking into the kitchen I make some breakfast. The coffee machine softly zooms as the smell of coffee fills the room.
Once everything is done, I walk to the back garden, where I sit down in the fresh air to have my breakfast.

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