Chapter 10

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I'm in the back room of the pub, together with Rose and Christy. The pub isn't open yet and the two guys that work here are in the pub making sure everything is ready for opening.
I had asked Rose and Christy to stay behind for a little so I could talk with them about my college problem. Maybe they would know how I could change things.

"So, if I don't get my grades up, they are going to take my scholarship away." I finish my story.
It stays silences for a little, both clearly thinking of what I just said. But then Christy gets a smile on her face. "You could always ask one of those handsome guys to help you. Just know that I'm claiming that Raphael. You can have your Gabriel." She winks at me and I throw my apparon towards her face.
Because I have such an amazing aime, the black apparon doesn't even come close to Christy's face, making her laugh even more.
Even Rose snikkers a little, watching us with a smile on her face. I can't help but laugh a little as well.

"How about this," Rose says when our laughter slowly stopped, "the two of you are going to switch places for two days a week."
Christy and I look at each other and back at Rose. "Okay?" Christy says, her answer sounding more like a question.
"I mean that for two days, you Christy are taking over Anna's section and Anna will be working on your spot, behind the bar." Rose explains to the both of us. "That also means," Rose continues, focusing on me this time, "that, when it isn't busy and you are working behind the bar, you can take out your books and study a little."
"Rose that sounds perfect. Are you sure that's okay?" I ask. "Of course Anna. We are a family here and we have to help each other out."
"She is right A." Christy chips in, "and I would actually like doing some tables a few days a week."
"Well then, that's settled." Rose says and smiles at us. "Anna, you are working at the bar each Tuesday and Thursday. Since it is Thursday right now, you can start right away."

Giving Rose a grateful smile I say a quick thank you when she walks out into the pub.
"Chris, are you sure that you are okay with this?" I ask Christy, standing up to get my apron which is still laying on the ground.
"Of course I'm okay with it! Otherwise I would have said so."
We hug each other and walk into the pub.
"Go to your spot miss bartender." Christy says with a wink and I can't help but smile at her. "Right away miss waitress."


What Raphael told me yesterday made me re-think my decision about staying away from Anna. Maybe it wasn't smart to leave her unprotected.
Those times we spent together made me want to get to know her better. But that also made we want to push her away.

Relationships and I don't work together. I've seen what happened with my parents and I don't want to end up the same way as my dad.
Don't get me wrong, I've had sex partners before, but that was all they ever were. I made sure not to get involved with them and got rid of them before they could think anything from it.
But with Anna, things are different. She intrigues me. And on the other hand, I'm different from my dad. We aren't the same person.

Right now I'm on my way to the pub. I want to see for myself that Anna is fine.
I decided to take my motor. It's faster then walking there and easier to park. It also means that I can get away quicker and I am planning on using a quick getaway.
I'm just going to check on her. As soon as I know she's okay, I'm out of there.

Around midnight I step into the pub.
The first thing I notice is that Anna isn't walking around. A different girl is walking with drinks towards the tables.
I look around and start to feel a little disappointed when I can't find her, until my eye land on a little angel behind the bar.
Her dark brown is in a high curly ponytail, bouncing while she moves around. Her pale skin seems somehow paler, and it looks like there are dark circles developing underneath her eyes.

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