Chapter 18

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The letter falls out of my hand and slowly whirls towards the ground at the same spot as it was before.

Tears are forming in mu eyes as the fear slowly takes over my body.
I stumble towards the couch. Barely reaching it before crashing down. By now the tears are streaming down my face and I struggle with my breathing.

He was here.
And he is going to get me.
There is no way that I can escape him. I've been trying to run for so long. But he will just find me again. There is no use to keep running.

Suddenly my phone rings, scaring me out of my thoughts.

"He... Hello?" I stutter once I've picked up the phone.
"Hello beautiful." Says a familiar voice on the other end of the line.
"Gabriel, Hi."
"Everything okay angel? You sound a little out of breath."
I close my eyes, and take a deep breath before answering. "I'm fine Gabriel, you just scared me. I was half asleep when the phone rang."
It stays silent on the other end of the line for a little and I fear that he didn't believe what I said.
"So, how was your day?" I ask him, switching to an easier subject to talk about.
"Mine was good. Though it would have been better if you where here." He answers and I feel a blush appearing on my cheeks.
"You are such a sweet talker." I laugh "Do you have a book with all your lines in them?"
I hear him laugh on the other end of the line, which causes me to smile.
"I do not have a book like that piccolo angelo. Not that I would need one of those, when I talk with you they just come to me."
I laugh again. "You flirt."
"Only for you Anna." He says with a smile in his voice.
I smile and walk towards my bedroom, the letter being completely forgotten thanks to Gabriel.
I quickly change into my pj's and get in bed, still talking to Gabriel.


After I delivered the letter, I decided to take my plan to the next stage. I'm going to get some 'help' from someone who I know will make it even more difficult for her.

I park the car a couple of streets down, just to be safe, and walk towards the meeting spot.

There are already three people waiting for me, but that doesn't make me nervous at all. Infect, it makes me almost proud that my reputation makes one of the most faired people in this town, bring back up.

"I thought we said we would come alone." I say once I'm close to the three men.
"And I thought you would be smart enough to know that I wouldn't do that." The man answers without looking at me. "Have a seat." He says, pointing towards the empty seat across of him.
I sit down and look around; there aren't many people here, so we can talk without having to worry about who might hear us.

"So, what do you want for me?" the man asks sounding slightly annoyed.
"You already know that Samuel, you are the one who wanted to meet here. I don't really understand why though. It is very clear what I want: to join your gang, so I can use your help to get something back what is mine."
"Yes you said that. But you see," he lights cigarette and takes a puff, "we don't do these things for free. I want to know if there is something in it for me, for my gang. Otherwise, my dear friend, you can try to get your thing back on your own."
He takes another puff and blows the smoke in my face. "So, what do you have for us"

"Gabriel, the leader of the gang you're trying to get rid off, has a girlfriend." "I already know that." Samuel interrupts me and I get slightly annoyed.
I hit the table with my hand and answer angrily, "If you let me finish talking, you might learn something new."
Samuel's bodyguards immediately jump in action, but stop when Samuel holds his hand up. "It's okay boys. Tom here just needs to work on his anger issues. Maybe get a box ball or something."
"When everything works out as planned, I will have one Samuel."
"That's good. Now keep talking, what néw information can you give us?"

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