Chapter 20

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I look down at the angel who is asleep in my arms. Memories of the night before play in my head.

Last night it had taken everything in me to not burst out in anger in front of her. What her father did to her, it makes me furious just thinking about it.
How could a father ever be able to hurt his own kid like that. I know mine doesn't deserve the 'best dad of the year' award either, but compared to Anna's father, mine was a saint.

The only reason that I didn't leave to hunt down that bastard, was because of her. I couldn't leave her alone after what she told me.
And once we started kissing, I was for sure not leaving.

Once I have the opportunity to get my hands on her father, that sickening asshole, he will be dead.

Anna whimpers in her sleep and I pull her closer, resting my chin on top of her head.
This girl got to me so easy. No matter what my dad taught me about emotions, I let Anna in and became my weakness. And I'll be dammed if I would let something happen to her.

My fingers curl themselves into her soft, curly brown hair and I softly play with it.
Anna looks peaceful in her sleep. Her soft lips slightly hang open and I get the urge to kiss them.

Anna hums softly and starts to wake up. Her eyes slowly flutter open and I see a glimpse of surprise flash through them before understanding takes over.

"Buongiono Angelo." I say softly before kissing her forehead.
"Good morning." She answers. I can still hear the sleep in her voice, which sounds incredibly hot. Making me completely weak. She is so beautiful.
"I thought you didn't speak Italian." I say with a wink, earning a soft giggle from Anna.
"I know my basics." She snuggles closer and my arms wrap around her tighter, holding her close.

"What time is it?"
I look over at the small clock that's standing  on her bedside table. "We have  time."
"Good, cause I don't want to get up yet." Anna closes her eyes again and I can't help but smile.


Waking up in Gabriel's arms is the best feeling ever. I haven't felt this warm and safe for years.

Gabriel and I decided to have a lazy morning, spending most of it cuddled up together in bed, talking.
We talked about my college, how things were going and what I wanted to do with my degree once I'm done.
He told me a story about when je and River where still young, and about his most awkward moment.

"No, I'm not telling you that story." Gabriel says.
"You've been asking questions all morning. Now it's my turn. What was the most awkward moment in your life?"
Gabriel sighs, closing his eyes for a short moment. "Fine, I'll tell you. But you are not allowed to laugh."
I nod, eager to hear what he's going to say.

"When I was younger, around the age of eleven, River and I thought it was a good idea to practice our gun skills in the backyard.
We took our fathers handguns and made some targets in the trees.
The first few shots were easy, so we decided to make it more fun and do some tricks we saw in movies.

I tried to make the gun turn around on my fingers, like you see those cowboys do in western movies.
But it went wrong. I forgot to put the safety back on and ended up shooting myself in my leg. Still have a scar to this day.

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