Chapter 14

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Gabriel turns the car and parks next to his house. "Don't move." He says to me as he gets out.
I can see him slowly walking around the car towards my side, looking around as if he is checking the area.

He opens my door and helps me out. The evening air is cold and I can't help but shiver.
"Let's get you inside." Gabriel says softly and he leads me to his home.
The last time I was here, I was unconscious and almost raped, the memories of that evening come back and a shiver rolls down my spine.

"Still cold?" Gabriel asks when he sees me shiver. "Come with me to the kitchen. I'll make you something warm to drink." I follow Gabriel into the kitchen, not wanting to ruin the moment by telling him that I'm not actually cold.

"What would you like? Gabriel asks while opening a cabin above the kitchen counter. "I can make you some tea or coffee. Or maybe a hot chocolate?"
"I haven't had hot chocolate in ages." I answer earing a smile from Gabriel. "Well, then you are in luck, because I make the best hot chocolate of the town,"
"Ow really now?" I ask laughing and Gabriel sends me a wink. "You'll see."

"Here you go." Gabriel says ones he's done and he puts a steaming mug of hot chocolate in front of me. I take a small sip, careful not to burn my tongue, and have to admit that it indeed is one of the best things I've ever tasted.
"I told you it was good." Gabriel says, reading my mind.

I take another sip and sigh, not longer able to keep it in. "Gabriel..." I start and I see his posture change slightly, "what happened at the restaurant?" Gabriel puts down his mug and looks away from me, not saying anything.
"Please Gabriel, you said you would tell me. And if it involves me, then I have every right to know about it."
Now it's time for Gabriel to sigh. He walks towards the door and nods towards it, signing that he wants me to follow him.

I follow Gabriel into the living room where he turns around to look at me. "Are you sure you want to hear this?" he asks. "Because if I tell you everything, things will change, and not for the better."
"I'm used to some bad things by now Gabriel. I'm sure whatever you are going to tell me right now won't be able to scare me away." Gabriel frowns at my answer. "I do not like the sound of that Anna."
"Well this isn't my story time, so let's keep that for a different moment." I say. "You promised me that you would explain what happened at the restaurant Gabriel. Please help me to understand what is going on."
Gabriel sighs, "Okay then... Go sit down, this is going to be a long story."


Anna slowly sits down on the couch and I sit on a chair next to it so I can look at her.
The nerves I felt earlier for the date, are nothing compared to what I'm feeling right now. I've never told anyone about my life. No one outside a Familia knows about what we do. And now I'm going to tell Anna who will probably run away when she knows about the life we live. It will scare her away from me forever.

"We aren't a normal family." I start. "We have a dark side, a very dark side, that has been there for generations and probably will be there for years to come because it isn't something we can just quite." I stop and look at Anna to check her reaction, but if she is thinking something, she surely doesn't show it.
"We have this family business, as you could call it. It's a dangerous thing, and everyone who is involved in it knows the risks that our work brings with it."

Anna shifts a little on the couch, and I take it that she is getting a little uncomfortable with this. "I would never hurt you Anna, nor would anyone else in this house. No matter what you'll think about me after this, you will be safe here. I promise."

Anna nods slowly, her eyes showing that she's still unsure about the situation.
"Now you have to promise me something Anna." I say. "Promise me that you will let me finish what I have to say. That you won't walk away before I'm done."
She nods again, a little more sure then before. "I'll let you finish Gabriel. I promise."

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