Chapter 8

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Hello lovelies.
After a busy time full of stress, rehearsals and performances, it's summer vacation! So I have finaly time to write again. I'm gonna try to write a couple of new chapters, so the wait will be a little shorter for you guys.

Enjoy the read!


Three words, that's all it takes to change your life.
Three words, and your whole world changes.

When my mother was still alive, there were three little words that made me feel like the most important person in the world. 'I love you.'
Whenever my mom would say that to me, I would smile and say it back, we would hug and my dad would join in. Those times were wonderful. Full of love and laughter.
We were a happy family.

But three words can also break down every spark of hope you've ever had.
When my mother died, there were three words that kept repeating in my mind. And each time I heard them, I would end up crying. 'She is gone.'

My dad had three words that would scare me every time he said them. 'It's your fault.'
My father started blaming me for my mothers death as soon as we got home from the funeral. Mom was on her way to pick me up from a friends house when she got into a car crash. I guess it somewhere was my fault.
Everytime my father would say those words, he would beat me until I was lying on the floor, unable to move.
Those three words eventually made me run away from home.

'I am free.'
Three little words that came to me once I restarted my life here. Once I had my own place, got into college and found a job, I felt completely free.
I could take care of myself and wouldn't need anyone to help me.
But right now, looking at the letter in my hand, there are three words that make me want to run once more.


There was no name or adress on the letter. But I didn't need it. I know who send this.
He found me, and he will hunt me down.

He's back.

My dad found me.


Aro is slowly walking around the kitchen. The doc had told him that he should still be in bed, resting. But he's being his stubborn self as usual, so we let him do as he pleases. As long as he is careful.

I take a bottle of beer out the fridge and walk towards the meeting room.

The guys are already there waiting for me.

"So," I start while looking around, "talk to me. What did we find?"
"They've grown in members." River says and Nicholas hands me a folder with 'Bratstvo' written on it.
"They've been recruiting for a while it seems. Mostly younger people, man, all from their side of the city. At least for now."

I look through the papers in the folder, seeing a lot of new faces and names.
"Maybe it's time to warn our man." Raphael says. "If those asses from Bratstvo are really going through with their thread, then they need to get ready for war."
I nod my head, thoughts of what could happen cloud my mind.

"We need tot take this serious. River, I want you and Nicolas to warn the man. Tell them what we know and make sure that they understand what it means.
Raphael, you are going to train the twins and Elliot. I need them to be ready, we can't have something happening like last time again."
Raphael nods in agreement.

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