Chapter 42

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The sun is under, and the night sky is hidden behind a group of big, dark clouds. Providing us the perfect cover. It's as if we're being helped by mother nature, or God.

I signal my men to stay low, as we approach Samuel's house.
Easton is tight up, with a piece of ducttape over his mouth to make sure that he doesn't make a sound before he has to.

When I see Samuel's house, I hold up my hand, signalling my men to stop.
Easton id brought forwards and we remove the robes and the ducttape.
"You have one change." I say to him. "You do as we told you and you'll live to see another day. One wrong move, and you're gone."
"You're planning on killing me either way. So, it doesn't matter what I do."
"If that's what you want, you'll get a bullet through your skull right now. It's up to you."

I push Easton on to the road. He takes a few steps towards the house, but then stops and looks back to us, with a grin on his face.
"I think he needs a little help." Raphael says. I nod and Raphael takes out his gun. Before Easton can make a move to run away, Raphael has shot.
The gunshot echo's through the empty streets and Easton screams in pain. After that, everything gets quiet for a moment, and we all hold our breaths.

We watch the front door as it slowly opens and the head of one of Samuel's guards pokes out from behind it.
"Easton! Is that you? We thought we lost you man. Shit!! Are you bleeding?" he steps out of the house, leaving the door open, and walks towards Easton. But before he can reach him, a second gunshot sounds and he drops dead on the streets.

"What the fuck is going on here?" Another person steps out and another gun is fired.
If they keep popping out like this, then it's going to be a very easy night for us.


I'm worried. Or well.... That's an understatement. I'm beyond worried. And so is Christy.

Aro and Joel have planned us in front of the tv, with some sort of sappy chick-flick in order to keep us 'busy'.
"See it as a girls night in." Aro had said. "But then with a bunch of dudes surrounding the place to keep everyone else out of the party." Joel had tried to help his brother, but it only ended up in an argument between the two of them.

"Have you heard anything yet?" Christy asks for the twentieth time.
"No, still nothing. But no news is good news right?" I try to lighten the mood.
"Yeah. It's either good news, or their already dead and can't contact us."
"Christy!" I throw a pillow at her face. "Don't you dare even think of something like that!"

We stop talking and I try to focus on the movie, so I won't think about what Christy said.
But it's not that easy, and I keep picturing Gabriel lying on the ground, bleeding.

"I'm going to get some coffee. Would you like one?" I ask while getting up.
Christy doesn't answer, clearly still lost in her thoughts, so I decide to make one for her as well.

In the kitchen, Gabriel's father is sitting, watching something on his phone. He looks up as I walk in and I can feel hi eyes on me with every move I make.
I take a deep breath and try to shake off the feeling that's creeping up on me.
"I'm making some coffee." I say, trying to ease the tension. "Would you like a cup?"
I put the filter in the machine and turn towards Gabriel's father, waiting for an answer. He, however, doesn't react and I turn back around to focus on the coffee.
But his eyes are still burning on my back and I can't keep quiet any longer.

"Could you stop staring like that? It's creeping my out. I know that you hate me, you've made that very clear already. But that does not give you the right to act the way that you do.
You've made your decision to stay here tonight, so at least act as if you want to be here. Otherwise you can leave. I'm sure that Aro and Joel can handle things here perfectly on their own."

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