Chapter 6

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I didn't have to go to college today cause there was a day of. So I decided to use m morning wisely and stay in bed for as long as I could. I was doing it pretty well, almost breaking my 'stay in bed' record, since it was already 11 o'clock.

But then something decided to disturb my lazy time. My phone started to ring.
I get out of bed, stumbling over my sheet that somehow got tangled up around my leg, and pick up the phone.
"Anna Ward speaking." I say when I don't recognise the number my phone screen shows.
"Hello Anna Ward, this is Ryanne Lowerland, from the city library. You send us an email about the job application."  The woman on the other end of the line said.
"Are you still interested in the job?" she asked and I nodded enthusiastically, before realising that I was on the phone and miss Lowerland wouldn't be able to see it. 
"Yes! I mean.... Uhmm... yes, I am still interested in the job." And I'm trying very hard not to show how much I want it, I add in my head. If I hold it in, I would sound more professional. 
"Wonderful! Would you be able to come in later today? Then we can do a job interview to see if you are qualified for this job." "Yes that wouldn't be a problem. What time do you expect me to be there?" Miss Lowerlands told me the time and we disconnected the call.
As soon as I putted the phone down, I started to get ready for the interview. I had to get the job.


"How is he?" "He will be okay, the bullet didn't hit anything important, so he'll be fine." "hmm." I hum, feeling myself relax a little after hearing that my brother will be okay.
"Can I go and see him?" I ask doc. "Yes, but he has to rest a lot. So please don't be too loud and let him sleep. I will be back tomorrow afternoon to check on him." Nodding I thank the doctor and make my way upstairs.

Doctor Harris, or doc as we call him, started working for the familia a couple of years before I took over. He is good in his work and knows what will happen when he talks to others about the gang, knowing he wouldn't do that, he is trustworthy. He already proved that once, so when I too over, I was more then happy to keep doctor Harris as our doctor.

Standing in front of Aro's door, I recall last night's events. The fight was bigger then they normally are, with much more weapons then the other times. We all got hurt before, but for a moment it ha looked as if I had lost one of my little brothers.
Stepping in the room I look around. Aro is asleep on his bed, Joel right beside him in a chair. He has dark bags under his eyes and worry lines on his forehead. Elliot is sitting against a wall, half asleep.

Walking closer to the bed Joel looks up at me. "How is he?" I ask in a soft voice, not wanting to wake Aro up. "He has been asleep since the bullet came out."
I can see Joel getting paler and I put my hand on his shoulder. "There was so much blood Gabe. I don't know what I would have done if... if..." tears start to get in his eyes and he tries to blink fiercely to push them back down.
"I could have lost him tonight. And it would have been my fault!" "No!" I say, my voice sounding loud and dangerous. Aro moves in his sleep and I continue in a softer voice, "This is not your fault. You did not shoot him. It is the fault of those assholes from Bratstvo. The nerve they have to try and pick a fight with us! Capello, the leaders of this damn city!" my voice getting stronger with every sentence and I can feel the anger boiling up in me.
"Once Aro is better we will take our revenge for what they have done."  I squeeze Joel in his shoulder. "He will be okay little brother." Joel nods and turns himself back to his twin. I look at Elliot and see he's fast asleep against the wall.

"I'm going to bring Elliot to his room so he can sleep there. You should get some rest as well J." "I'm not leaving Aro alone. I want to stay here with him." I smile at the bond the twins have. "Never said you couldn't stay. Just get some rest, otherwise Aro will think he's having a nightmare when he wakes up and sees you. You look like a zombie."
I wake up Elliot up and bring him to his room before going to my own. No one had any sleep last night and I could slowly feel the tiredness taking over.
Deciding that it wouldn't be a bad idea to get some sleep, I get into my bed. I would go to the pub later tonight, but for now, I need some sleep.

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