Chapter 45

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"Gabriel, can we talk about something?" I ask as I step into the kitchen.
"Yes of course we can." Gabriel puts the last plate with bacon and eggs on the table and we sit down to start our breakfast.
The twins are also in the kitchen and within minutes, they are attacking their breakfast as if they haven't had anything to eat in the last six years.

"I actually meant, just the two of us. I want to discuss something with you."
"I'm sure that my brothers can handle it." Gabriel answers.
"Okay, but you have to promise that you will let me finish talking before you say anything."
Gabriel draws his eyebrows together, "Everything okay?"
"Yes, everything is good. I just want to you hear you say it."
"Fine, Angel, I promise that I will let you finish talking. Now tell me what you have to say."

I take a deep breath, knowing that it's going to take a lot to get what I want this time.
"I want to go visit Samuel's place."
"No. Not happening." Gabriel abruptly says.
"I'm not finished talking yet." I answer.
"I said, not happening. I don't care if there is more. End of discussion."
"Just let me explain first." I answer, a little frustrated with him.
"I said no Anna. It's not happening. I will not let you go back there."
"You promised that you would let me finish talking Please Gabriel, just let me explain."

"You did indeed promise her big brother." Aro jumps in. "And you always thought us that you have to keep your promises." Joel continues.
I send a quick thank you smile to the twins, grateful that they are on my side. Though they are most likely just trying to annoy Gabriel, it's still three against one. That should work.

"Fine, you can explain." Gabriel says with a sigh, mumbling something inaudible afterwards.
"Thank you." I answer before I continue, "I want to go back to Samuel's place, to visit someone who still lives there. I want to see her again."
"Who would you possibly want to see again?!" Gabriel asks with anger in his voice. "That place was, and still is, filled with good for nothing assholes who have hurt you! Perché eazzo vorresti tornare indientro?!"
"Linguaggio." The twins react in sync.

"That's not true. When I was there, there was this maid named Senna. She would secretly give me food or let me sleep somewhere where the men wouldn't find me when we had to work. She even helped me escape. She risked her life for me Gabriel and I have to go back there to help her in return.
Samuel and my father aren't there anymore. The house is yours now. Those men have to listen to what you tell them.
I know how bad those men are Gabriel. I was there. That is why I need to return. I have to get her out of there. I promised her that I would."

I see in Gabriel's eyes that I still haven't completely convinced him. I guess that it's time for a different approach.
"If you don't go with me, then I'll just ask someone else to come along. Or I'll go by myself."
"We can come with you!" the twins jump in with a wicked glister in their eyes.

"NO!" Gabriel's voice is strong and powerful, and I'm sure that the hole house has heard him. Maybe even the neighbours. And it looks like his eyes are shooting fire at his twin brothers. "The two of you will do nothing."
Gabriel's focus turns back to me, his face softens a little, but there is still a glimpse of anger in his eyes. "Angel, if you really want to go, then I will be coming with you. You won't be going anywhere near that house alone. I'll tell River, Raphael and Nicolaas to accompany us."
"Thank you, Gabriel." I lean over the table and give him a quick kiss.
"We'll go this afternoon, when I've returned from the warehouse. There are some things that I need to do fist."
He turns back to the twins and a flash of panic can be seen on their faces. "Tratteró con voidue più tardi."


The twins are lucky that Anna was in the kitchen with us, otherwise they would have been in a lot of pain by now.

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