Fifty Four

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Damian didn't want to move right away, he wanted Ella to be a few months before we do. I don't think I could wait that long so he said as soon as she turns 1 month we will leave. She is only a week old. We still don't know who the fuck left that note on the door and why they shot a hole through my front door. Officer Bailey couldn't always be there for us he had other crime to fight and a family of his own. Though Damian and I were strapped with guns, it was becoming traumatizing for our kids. I don't want no drama around Ella and no more around the twins. Nala told us what her big news was, Cece finally signed the divorce papers. It was big news but not that damn big to make her want to cook a big buffet style breakfast, but I guess she was that happy. After Cece been stalling for months it's finally over. We were all chilling on different parts of the house, Damian and I were on the couch watching tv while he was rubbing my feet, Nala was in the kitchen painting, Mavis And Angela were in the basement doing whatever it is they be doing, when my phone started ringing. "You have a collect call from, James. Do you except the charges" I yelled for Nala and Mavis as I excepted the charges. "Hello, Janay, baby girl I have missed you so much, I didn't think you would answer the phone" James said. "Yea I wasn't going to, what the fuck do you want James" I replied while rolling my eyes. "Yea you bitch ass nigga what the fuck do you want" Nala said. James went on and on about how he was sick, and he was dying and how we wanted us to visit him. "I will not be coming to see you, and neither will my sister or brother you old bastard, burn in hell" Nala said as she snatched the phone out my hand before hanging up the phone.

I couldn't believe he had the nerve to call me after all this time. I thought somebody would have killed him by now. I guess I was wrong. Ella started crying from her nursery, Damian went up to get her and brought her back down so I can breast feed her. She was just as greedy as my other children. I burped her and changed her pamper before handing her over to Damian. I went into the kitchen to get lunch ready for the twins. I haven't even had time to ship out orders and they were piling up. Damian would do some orders when he wasn't busy his self and Nala did some too. After I gave the twins their lunch I went into my office and got to work. It took me 3 hours to complete. I had bottles in the fridge for Ella just in case I wasn't back in time before she had to eat again. I went to the post office and it was only one person in there and one cashier, which was throwing me off because this post officer was always packed on a Monday. I sent out all my packages over 500 orders. As I was walking out the post office, it was a guy leaning up against my car. I stopped in my tracks and called my brother in case something went wrong. "Hello Janay" the strange man said. "Who the fuck is you, and why are you leaning up against my car. Excuse me!" I said. "Oh no you got it all wrong baby girl, I'm your uncle" this stranger said. "How are you my uncle I don't have any uncles" I said, I was so lost. "I'm Jacob, James oldest brother" he said. Mavis came right on time. he got out the car and said, "Uncle Jacob, what are you doing here?" I paused for a second, "Mavis you know this man" I said. He replied, "Yea sis this our uncle." This strange uncle got in Mavis car and they drove off. I got in my car, locked my damn door and went the hell home.

I got home and this strange Uncle was sitting on my damn couch, drinking beer with Nala, Mavis and Damian. I had an attitude. "Where the fuck are my kids while y'all down here getting drunk and shit" I kirked off before heading up the steps to check on my babies. Ella and the twins were down for a nap, Angela was sitting in the nursery with Ella crying. I went in and closed the door after me. "Sis what's wrong" I said as I hugged her. Angela took a deep breath and said "I'm pregnant and it's not Mavis baby, I knew this for a while and I been hiding it, it's a boy and the real dad knows. He wants to be with me, sis I am torn in between them two. I said yes to Mavis because I love him, but I also have feelings for Derrick, and I been messing with him for a year now. Help me I am so confused" Angela said as she started balling with tears and snot coming out her nose. My advice to her was to just tell Mavis the truth. She asked me would I be there with her when she do. I told her I would be, and she must do it soon because she is 7 months pregnant with whoever Derrick is baby. I didn't notice that Angela have been only wearing big clothes and long bulky dresses. Before we could finish our conversation, Damian walked in and of course his stupid ass was drunk and not even making any type of sense. "Babe I will be right out after I talk to Angie." I said. He closed the door and I heard him go back down the steps. After Angela and I finished our conversation and 30 minutes of her crying her eyes out, she tried to fix her face the best way she could.

We headed back downstairs, but as soon as I hit the third step Ella started crying. "Go head I will meet you down there in a second. I fed Ella, and the twins came in as I was changing her pamper. I had Ella in one arm while Jayla and Jaylin held my other hand and we headed down the steps. "Well who are these beautiful children" Uncle Jacob said. "Hi, my name is Jayla and this my brother Jaylin and our baby sister Ella" Jayla said. Uncle Jacob shook their hands. I asked Damian to keep an eye on the kids while me and my newfound family member and siblings talk in the kitchen. We all sat at the table. "So, do anybody want to tell me what's going on and why all of a sudden this Uncle I knew nothing about is here in my house drinking and shit like he knows me." I said sarcastically. Nala replied "Sis this is our Uncle he has been in the hospital fighting cancer and now he is cancer free, he has been in and out of my life for as long as I can remember, he tried to protect me against James." I said "Oh", then I turned to Mavis "And what about you?" Mavis said "He has been in my life for as long as I been on this earth sis, he actually has a good heart, he just choose to stay away because he found out about dad faking his death and it made him mad." I started clapping my hands, "Bravo, but when the hell were you two going to tell me about this Uncle, and what is he doing here now after all this time. "I came here to help you Janay, I wanted to meet you so long ago but I was very ill fighting for my life and when I heard your dad reached out to you from jail I wanted to help you when he get out, and yes he is getting out in another few days that's what I was told." I just shook my head and said "Okay" then headed back to the living room. I guess my sister and brother knew him, so it was okay for him to be here. The fact that my dad is getting out of jail baffles me.

I started dinner, and Jayla wanted to help. I made a simple dinner, shrimp and chicken alfredo with Garlic bread. Mavis came in the kitchen, "Hey sis, do you know what is wrong with Angela she has been acting funny since this morning." I didn't want to say anything because it wasn't my place. "Did you ask her bro? I am sure whatever it is she will tell you when she is ready" I said. He just put his head down and walked out the kitchen. Nala came in the kitchen next, "Hey sis, I'm sorry I never told you about Uncle Jacob, you just had so much going on I didn't think it would matter to you" she said. I never been annoyed with Nala, my sister and I never had fall out but the fact she kept this from me has me so irritated and I didn't want to ruin the mood because we were surrounded by family. I just have trust issues when it comes to new people, Uncle or not. "It's cool sis, I'm good" I replied. Next was Uncle Jacob, "Hey Janay, I know you don't know me but I am your Uncle and I came here so you know that your father had an inmate that was just released from jail to put that note on your door, that inmate was my son, your cousin Justin. Justin said he put the note on your door and called me right after. Your father plans on coming here and killing your sister, he is still not over the fact she tried to kill him twice and he failed trying to get her mother life insurance money" he said. "Yea well when he brings his old ass here, we will be ready for him." I said. He told me he wasn't going to let my dad harm me or another one of my kids. I started crying and ran up to my bedroom and slammed the door. Damian came up behind me. "Babe what's wrong?" he said. I wiped my tears and said "I just miss my mom, Rayne and your mom, I am depressed Damian I feel like we can't catch a break and now my dad is getting out I don't know how much more of this I can take." Damian stood me up and hugged me. "Baby, I won't let anything happen to you or my children, we lost one already and I'll be damned if anybody take another one of ours" he said before kissing me. I wanted to fuck him so bad, but I was still bleeding. I asked him could he check on the alfredo, I had it cooking on low. He said "Yes" and went down steps. I wiped my face and called Officer Bailey and invited him over for dinner, he has become a part of the family.

We all were eating dinner when I got a phone call from a private number. I picked it up and put it on speaker. "Hello Janay, did you forget about me bitch" Tammi annoying ass voice said. I cringed. "Bitch no I aint forget shit, wassup hoe?" I said. "What's up is this new store you have here in Maryland that is on fire as we speak" she said and then hung up the phone. We all stopped eating and got in the car and headed to my store all except Uncle Jacob he stayed at the house. I had no choice but to take all the kids with me. When we arrived, they stayed in the car with Angela, because I know she is pregnant, and I don't want her or my children in harm's way. So, I told her to drive the car a block away. When we got out the car there was no fire and my store was fine. I still decided to go in and check to make sure everything was okay. Damian, Nala, Mavis, Officer Bailey and I all went inside the store. When we got inside everything seemed like it was still in place. "What was that noise?" Officer Bailey said as he got in front of us and headed towards the back office. He had his gun out and his flashlight. I flicked my office light on, and Tammi tackled Nala from the side. She came out of Nowhere.

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