Twenty Six

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Did this bitch just say she was fucking pregnant? I kicked at Damian trying to wake him up "No need for all that boo I'm going to wake him up once I put this pussy on him" she said as she started pulling on Damian boxers. I almost had my hands untied but I sat there for awhile acting normal like I was helpless. This bitch was whipped and she only got the dick once, I been fucking him for awhile now and I'm not about to do all that over no dick. "Are you really pregnant? Damian said y'all used a condom." I asked trying to distract her before I jumped out this chair. "No I'm not pregnant sis" she replied. Damian started moving and he woke up and seen Taye over top of him. "What the fuck are you doing?" he said as he was holding his head. I'm sure he was in pain because she hit him really hard with that gun. "I'm getting revenge; you can't just push me off to the side like I'm some random hoe." Taye said as she pulled his boxer down about to rape him the way it looked. Damian tried to fight her off of him. I was looking around like I didn't know what to do next after I finally untie myself. Then I realized our security system remote was in the draw by the sink. While Damian continued to fight with her while she was trying to suck his dick looking all fucking stupid. Damian looked at me and said "I'm sorry." I wanted to kick the shit out of him. Like I never thought being cheated on would lead to all of this I just was glad my baby girl wasn't here. She got a hold of Damian dick and bit him, he screamed like a little girl. I ran to the draw where the alarm system remote was. I pushed the button. Then grabbed a pan while this bitch was still giving my man head. I hit her in the back of her head; she fell on top of Damian. I helped him up. As we were running through the house to get to the front door. I saw a tall figure just stand there. We opened the door and I couldn't fucking believe who was standing at the door. We haven't seen this person since high school. "Get the fuck back in the house." The deep voice said standing outside of my front door. Wtf are you doing" Damian said Why the hell was Kenny holding us at gun point. This was the same Kenny that Taye tried to fuck with when she and Damian were together in high school. I'm so lost because Damian hasn't talk to Kenny in a while so I'm not sure what his beef was. His phone started ringing, he picked up and said "Yea Leena I got this nigga right here what you want me to do?" he said. Leena? This shit was getting weird as fuck. I asked what did they want from us. Kenny pointed the gun at Damian and said payback! Then pulled the trigger. Omfg!

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