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3 weeks gone by and I still haven't heard from Nala. I called a million times and never got an answer. I prayed for her every day every time after I called and her phone constantly went to voicemail. It was time for us to get our gender reveal information but of course they told my mom and not us. We had finally found an apartment with two bed rooms and two bathrooms. We also had a balcony. We wanted to move everything in within two weeks before the gender reveal. Damian didn't want my help; I sat around and watched as I ate every damn thing. I was always eating something. I had a hell of a weird craving. I ate mozzarella sticks with ice cream, Oreos, and peanut butter.

We got some things for the baby like pampers, wipes, baby lotion, baby soap, burping clothes, rags, two tubs , and a comb and brush set. We also ordered his/her crib, went with white. Mom and Michael helped with everything if it was a boy we would name him Jalil Deon Jackson and if it's a girl we will name her Rayne Saniya Jackson. I wanted her to have my little sister name as a middle name. My phone rang and it was a Florida number that I didn't recognize so I ignored it. I don't know anybody who lives in Florida. Who ever it was left a voicemail. So I checked it. "Nay it's me, I had to get a new number answer the phone." Nala left the message. She called right back. "Hello best friend I miss you" she said. "Hey boo I miss you more. Thank god you are okay, how have you been?" I replied. As Nala took a deep breath she said "I'm on the run!!!! I'm a murderer now Nay, but it was either me or him and I'll be damned if it was going to be me." I couldn't believe that bastard was dead. Lord forgive me but I was glad he couldn't harm my best friend any more, but damn on the run. "Where have you been all this time Nala?" I asked her. She said "I been everywhere after I left you I went back home because I needed my passport and soon as I came through the door he punched me right in the mouth. I went there prepared this time because I was tired of running so I fought back Nay. I sprayed him with pepper spray then kicked him in the nuts and then in his face. He started swinging at the air while screaming and calling me all types of bitches. I took off my engagement ring and threw it at him. I tried to run up the steps to get my pass port, but he grabbed my legs and pulled me down 3 steps. I ended up hitting my head. I kicked and screamed fighting him like he meant nothing to me; I mean I obviously never meant shit to him. I kicked him in the mouth, he fell back and hit his head I ran to the kitchen to get a knife while he was down and not moving. I made it up the steps to get my passport and the emergency stack I had stashed away in the house. When I went back down stairs he wasn't in the same spot anymore. I tried to hurry up and run for the door but he came behind me pulled me by my hair and threw me on the floor and started kicking me in my ribs then he spit on me Nay that bitch made nigga fucking spit on me. I managed to pull the knife out and stabbed him in the foot, he fell to the ground. I was so weak from him kicking me so many times. After struggling to get up, god finally gave me the strength to get up. He was bleeding too bad out the foot, so that same foot that was bleeding I stepped on it. He called me a bitch over and over again. Before I knew it Nay I stabbed him twice, once in the chest and once in the neck. I left him there to bleed to death. He asked me not to leave him. I told him burn in hell and I ran to my rental car, headed to the airport, changed my clothes and booked my flight to Miami then to LA and back to Florida. I'd kill his ass again if I had to. I'm happy. I'm sure the police are looking for me and I don't give a flying fuck Nay."

The whole time I'm on the phone listening to Nala in shock listening to her tell me what had happened. "I'm glad you called me please keep in touch, I wish you could be here for the gender reveal" I said to Nala. "Me too best friend, me too, but once you find out what you are having  I can send you gifts okay I love you and I got to go" she said. I told her be safe and I love her more; I told her that I wanted her to make sure she keeps in contact. Then we hung up the phone. I told Damian I talked to Nala and I let him know that she was okay. After a week of moving everything into our new place. I wanted the baby room to be gray, so that way when we find out the gender pink or blue will match perfectly. "Babe is you okay?" Damian said as he was coming out the bathroom. "Yes babe I'm just tired as hell today was busy" I replied. "It all worked out babe we're in our new place and our baby will be here in 5 months" he said. "I know I can't wait to meet him or her" I replied. We popped us some popcorn and watched movies cuddling all night.

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