Fifty Two

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I let 3 days go by and we all just was acting so normal, when officer Bailey came over. He was still making passes at me and I had to let Damian know. Damian didn't say anything because he said we needed him on our side in case we have a slip in some sort of way. Revenge day is here, and I plan on killing this bitch, but I will be sure she is miserable first. I put the kids to bed and Damian mom stayed up in the guest room that was close to ours on the same floor with the kids. She had the basement all to herself just like her and my mom did at our other house. I miss my mom so much and my baby girl. Rayne was my first born and I lost her. No mother should ever have to bury a child. Nala, and I went into the basement, while Damian stayed in the living room. I had a taser, a pocketknife, a hammer and some more shit. I started with her hand, I took the hammer and placed her hands on the table, and I smashed both. She couldn't scream because I had duct tape over her mouth. Nala on the other end went for the pocketknife. She took the knife and cut off all of Sarah fingernails. I had to throw up because omg I wasn't expecting Nala to do that. "Sis you're a savage" I said. Nala just looked at me and shrugged her shoulders.

Sarah was trying to mumble behind the four strips of tape she had on her lips, I snatched it off. "What you say bitch" I said sarcastically to Sarah. She spit at me and said, "Your black ass going burn in hell and take them little bastard children with you, and Ima kick that one in your stomach out you black bitch." I looked at Nala, Nala looked at me and we both said, "it's time!" I wanted to torment her, but she must die. I was going to stab her to death, but I had guns. I didn't give a fuck about officer bailey being outside, I didn't give a fuck about nothing she harmed my son and she's racist as fuck. I went into the garage to get my gun and before I knew it I heard another gun shot. "Omg my kids" I said as I ran up the steps. Damian was laid out on the floor, I tried to wake him, but he wasn't responding to me. I told Nala to stay with him while I check on the kids. I had my gun in my hand as I crept up the steps. When I got to the top there was Damian mom shot in her heart. I screamed, Nala and Damian came up the steps he was holding his head. I went into Jayla room first the kids weren't there. I went into Jaylin room they weren't there either. I started panicking and pacing back and forth. I asked Damian who hit him and how did he end up on the floor, he said all he remember was watching basketball and then somebody hit him from behind. I started crying as I checked every inch of my house. I told Nala go downstairs and kill Sarah. I called officer Bailey because I know he heard that damn gun shot. He wasn't even outside he went to go get coffee. I told him to hurry back and that the kids are gone. I heard the shots go off in the basement, Nala killed Sarah. I looked out the front door to see if office Bailey were outside yet to see if I had time to get rid of Sarah body. When I opened the door, it was a note on the porch that said.

"Give your husband to me, and your kids will live. Refuse what I asked, and they will meet their sister in heaven."

My blood was boiling, this therapist bitch has lost her damn mind. She doesn't know who she fucking with I had a plan and I prayed that it worked. Nala called Angela and told her what was going on. Angela loved the shit out of my kids. She got there before officer Bailey did, he still not here yet. Nala, Angela and I wrapped Sarah corps up in a big black bag and then rolled her up into a rug and put her in the back of Angela truck. Nala and Angela took her body to the ocean that's about 15 minutes away from here. The ambulance arrived and took Damian mom to the hospital and pronounced her dead. Damian was heartbroken but he held his composure we would deal with his mom once we got the twins back, but we had no more time to waste. We got back to the house and Officer Bailey came back, and I told him that the therapist bitch took my kids. I can tell he felt my pain because he has twins himself. Angela and Nala came through the door, thank god they didn't say anything because office Bailey was sitting right there in the front room. Nala had to hurry up and go change her clothes because she had blood on her clothes. After Nala changed her clothes we headed out to the hotel where Marie took Damian the first time.

Damian had two pills left that I kept, we went up to the hotel but only Damian and I went. He had a bottle of champagne, flowers and my old wedding ring the one I had before he upgraded it last year for our anniversary. I went to get my kids. She opened door in red silky robe and her hair was curly. I thought to myself this bitch is fucking crazy. Damian said I'm leaving my wife for you. This bitch started blushing so hard I wanted to knock her motherfucking teeth down her throat. She looked down at my stomach and said, "Wait, you're pregnant?" I told her I was getting an abortion. "Okay, bitch you have Damian now where the fuck are my kids" I snapped. She pushed the door open and I went inside she had my kids tied up and duct taped together back to back with their legs looking like they were about to do a split. After I untied them and headed for the door Marie had a gun pointed towards us. She aimed at my kids and then she aimed at me and then she pulled the trigger. She missed, Damian grabbed her from behind trying to take the gun from her, I hurried up and told Nala and Angela what room we were in. I told the twins to go hide in the bathroom. Damian got the gun from Marie and she pulled out another one from behind her cheap ass robe. Nala and Angela pulled out their guns and pointed their guns at her. I made a phone call and said, "Come up, Room 634" and hung up the phone. "Who the fuck was that" Marie said. "You'll see bitch" I said.

There was a knock at the door, it was Marie husband, I kept in contact with him after the day he came looking for her. She has been hiding out in this hotel for 4 months now and she doesn't even live here. "My love what are you doing here" she said. He looked at me and then he looked at her and said, "You want to be with this macho man, you thought you was going to leave me, no hoe I leave you" he said. Marie started speaking Spanish, Angela told me to duck, Marie tried to shoot me but missed. The twins came running out the bathroom screaming and crying. I hate that my kids have endured so much bullshit because people are crazy and just be having hidden agendas, even the ones you tried to help. Nala came out of nowhere and knocked the gun out of Marie hands. Marie husband told us to get her out of his sight. I called officer Bailey, who was waiting down in the lobby. He came up and put her in handcuffs. Before he took her out, I kicked her in her ass and said," Bitch don't you ever in your life try to take my husband and you got your own husband." She rolled her eyes and said, we would be hearing from her lawyer.

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