Twenty Four

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We did that same routine up until it was time for us to move into the townhouse. We had everything packed up from the apartment. I only talk to Damian in front of Rayne and my mom. When we were at the apartment packing everything up he kept trying to talk to me but I had nothing to say. This bitch Taye had been blowing his phone up for the last two weeks sending text apologizing to him about how she didn't meant to break up his family. I wasn't even mad at her she didn't owe me no loyalty. My moms always taught me don't ever go after the other woman go after your man. I wanted to talk to my mom about it for advice because she been through this before the man she was with before my dad. But I decided that Damian would be the one to talk to my mom about what he could do to earn my trust back, she was team Damian all day. I really didn't know what to tell him so he had to talk to mom.

We were all moved into the townhouse. Rayne was two months. Damian left to talk to my mom about what he could do since only thing left to do was unpack the boxes in the house. I didn't want to even move in this house with him if it wasn't for Rayne I wouldn't have. I still love him; it's just that he cheated so I couldn't stand to look at him. He was gone for a few hours. I wasn't even sure he was at my mom house until he called me and I spoke to her. She said she wanted to talk to me I said I'll come by next week we should be settled in by then. I was sitting in my bedroom with Rayne. When I heard a knock at the door. I bring her everywhere I go I walked down the stairs. When I opened the door it was a line of men with a dozen roses, chocolates and a card. I'm thinking to myself like what the hell. It spelled out "I love you." I rolled my eyes like where the hell all of these flowers going to go. I told them they could put them out back. My mom called and said you like your surprise. I said "Yea mom." She said "Good its more to come." Damian came home smiling like a dumb ass. "Hey babe" he said. I rolled my eyes finished what I was doing. I really didn't look at Damian the same. He kept pressing me to put the engagement ring back on but I wasn't ready to. He wanted to run out to get food, but I told him I would do it so I could get some air. I had been in the house all fucking day with Rayne. I went to a couple of stores. I wanted some wine so bad. But I knew I couldn't have any.
My doctor told me I could just dump the milk after I drink wine. It could wait though. I grabbed a few groceries and some house hold products. Only thing I had all the way unpacked was my bedroom I spent all day doing that. I decided to drop the things I got off in the house and leave back out. Damian asked where I was going I just told him mind his business and Rayne had more than enough milk that I pumped while I was in the house all day. I couldn't wait to go back to work. I took a long drive with no real destination it was relaxing and needed. When I got back home Damian had Rayne sitting in the vibrating chair while he was setting the table. It was rare that he would cook. But this night he did. It was good he made chicken breast, mash potatoes and asparagus. We ate dinner he kept trying to have conversations with me. I just kept giving him yes and no answers. I kept it short and simple. After dinner I got Rayne all washed up and clean fed her and she was sleep. Damian got in the shower for before me. I got in and I had to lay down. He asked me could he hold me and if I would talk to him because it was killing him the way things were between us. I said to him "You can talk but I don't have anything to say." He grabbed my hand and said "Do you still want to be with me?" I told him "I do but I don't know how" he said he meant what he said and the advice my mom gave him would help us a lot. I just hope he was right.

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