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Another 15 minutes go by we were done packing Nala things, loaded them in my trunk and back seat and we headed back home. "I'm so happy you're back in my life" Nala said to me. I agreed I was loosing it without her for all those years. Nala kept saying she wasn't feeling good so I reached in the back to get her some water and asked was she hungry, but she said "No I shouldn't have took all those pills I feel nauseous." I pulled over so quick and signaled Damian to come here we parked at a gas station. Nala was starting to look very pale I was getting scared. "What the fuck did you take Nala, why would you do that" I yelled at her with tears in my eyes. All she kept saying was "I'm tired best friend, I'm drained, and I popped them pills early this morning when I first called you." I told Damian to follow me and I was taking Nala to the hospital right now. Damian agreed with me, the nearest hospital was 45 minutes away from where we were. I wish Damian and I drove in the same car, lord knows I was sleepy as shit and pregnant. I had to try and keep Nala woke because she kept falling asleep. I was giving her water non stop just to keep her hydrated. She was very pale it was hurting me to see Nala like that.

We arrived at the hospital and went straight to the ER; Damian took Nala and sat her down in the waiting room while I explained to the lady why we were there. Thank god it wasn't a lot of people there. I went to the vending machine to get a honey bun and a cranberry juice I am eating for two. I got Nala a granola bar and a ginger ale, and then I got my fiancé some Doritos and a bottle of water. He wasn't really big on snacks, but I got him something anyway. 30 minutes go by and they called Nala back to get triage and she got a room right after. We waited for another hour before a Doctor actually came in. Nala was still sleep; I kept putting my finger under nose to make sure she was still breathing. The DR asked Nala "What and how many pills did she take?" All she said was "Too many and I want to be with Ma." The Dr said "I need to know how many so we can know what to do." Nala replied "Don't do nothing just let me" I interrupted "LET YOU WHAT??? You're not fucking leaving me, I love you Nala you're not leaving me. We will get you help or what ever you need to get better just let the damn DR help you." Damian grabbed my hand "Babe please calm down and stop getting yourself worked up its not good for the baby" he said. He was right. Nala turned to me and turned to the DR "I took 10 sleeping pills within 14 hours, 2 Tylenols, 3 Ibuprofens, and 1 Codeine pill." The DR then asked was she trying to kill her self." The room got very quiet and the next thing I know Nala eyes got watery then she mumbled and said "Just let me go! I need help." I couldn't say much. She took to many different pills so they had to pump her stomach, that shit could have really killed her. The Dr wanted to admit her for 72 hours but it was up to Nala if she wanted to do so. But she didn't want to stay she just wanted to go to my house. Luckily my mom knew a Dr that made house calls. We waited for Nala discharge papers and prescription to help settle her stomach. Damian rolled Nala wheelchair to my car, kissed me and said "I'm going to massage you and get you that steak." I said to him "Thank you fiancé."

It felt good to have somebody who had my back and would do anything to make me happy. I loved our vibe the love was real and genuine. The whole ride home I woke Nala up every 30 minutes to give her water and make sure she was still breathing I was so worried about her. I'm so glad she was close to me. I heard Nala phone vibrates more than once. I reached over to try and silence it and her phone ended up falling at her feet. I looked down once we stopped at a light she had 58 missed calls and 14 text messages from "Hubby." It was one message that caught my eye from him "I'm going to kill you bitch" I unlocked Nala phone and turned off her location. I started to block him, but then I thought to myself it's probably better to keep him unblocked until Nala is safe at my house.

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