Chapter 7: six flags

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~Nicole's pov~
The next morning I woke up pretty early because I still haven't unpacked my bag yet. It was around like 6:30 when I got out of bed.

"W-where are you going?" Josh said in a sleepy voice as I zipped open my bag.

I let out a small giggle and said "unpacking. I can't live out if a bag for almost a week."

Josh just nodded and fell back asleep. He probably won't remember this when he wakes up later, only that I was awake.

Once I finished unpacking I took out my phone and got a message from the stage managers who are running the competition.

Attention performers,
For today's performances, I want you to pair up with another performer and sing a duet. If you fail to find a partner you will be eliminated! Best of luck to all of you!
-stage crew and staff

I started to panic because one, who's gonna wanna be my partner, and two what the hell are we singing. My phone went off with a bunch of notifications from people asking to do a duet, but I know responded to Jaden since I trust him and he's my bestfriend.

Jaden: you get the email?
Nicole: yep. Who the hell am I gonna preform with?!
Jaden: Nik relax. Me and you and do a duet. Besides, we are the only two here who could actually perform well enough to win.
Nicole: ok cool, and you mean I can preform well.. 🤨😂
Jaden: don't get cocky Nik!
Nicole: ok fine, what are we singing?
Jaden: how about..

Jaden and I decided on a song to sing and both worked on the lyrics and notes. Look, singing infront of an audience is hard and all, but learning a song to the point where you have to have it memorized word by word is really hard

After another few hours, I decided to get dressed into something decently presentable. I put on a beige turtleneck crop top with a cute skirt and my air forces. Since I had a ton of extra time, I decided to straighten my hair.

 Since I had a ton of extra time, I decided to straighten my hair

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By the time i finished, i noticed josh still wasn't awake. I walked over to his side of the bed a gently kissed all over his face, everywhere but his lips.

He woke up and grabbed my face so he could get a kiss in the lips. I just giggled at him and said "someone was eager for that kiss huh."

"Well i was enjoying my kisses. Especially since there from my wifey." Josh said with a smile.

I giggled at him and said "ok ok, you need to get up because our meet and greet is in about half an hour."

Josh groaned, but then stood up and went to the bathroom to change. While I waited, I did some more practicing with the song Jaden and I were going to preform.

"You sound amazing princess!" Josh said as he shut the bathroom door. I laughed at him and said "thanks, Jaden and I have to do a duet to this today."

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