Chapter 4: Livestream

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When it was time to go put the twins to sleep, everyone was exhausted. No one has slept since I've been in the hospital. They haven't really mentioned that.. but I can see it. Each and everyone of them have dark bags under their eyes.

When josh, the twins and I got to the basement, it felt really weird. I looked around and it was pretty empty besides a Ben, the pull out couch for the twins, and the little kitchen and bathroom.

I laid down in bed and waited for josh. He put the twins down in their bed and said "I'm gonna shower real quick alright?"

Before responding, I looked at the twins and saw they were fast asleep. I smiled at josh and I think he caught on to my thoughts.

"You wanna come don't you." He said with a laugh.

I giggled and said "only if you let me."

Josh smirked and pulled me up and we both went into the bathroom, locking the door.

We both stepped into the shower and stood under the water as it hit against us. I grabbed the shampoo bottle and poured some in my hands, then put it it my hair.

Josh washed it out and we both laughed. He spun me around so our bodies were as close to eachother as possible and he slowly kissed me.

I kissed him back and we started to make out. His kisses moved from my lips to my neck. He got to where my sweet spot is and smiled as I let out a soft moan.

"Alright.. enough baby, the twins are right outside sleeping." I said while taking a step back and smiling.

Josh laughed and said "alright, fine but you owe me.." I giggled and nodded, then stepped out of the shower.

I dried myself off quickly, threw on some clothes, then got out of the bathroom to go to bed.

I was sitting on the bed and decided to just go live for a little bit while I waited for josh.

-the live-
N- hey guys! Um it's a little later at night, like 10:37 ish. Everyone is just hanging around trying to figure everything out..

I started to read some on the comments and answer the questions.

F1: what are all of those marks on your neck ?

N- t-those are from the house fire.. yeah..

F2: how are the twins?

N: they're good, asleep right now.

F3: I'm here

N: your what?

I looked at the username of the last comment and my eyes went wide and my heart started racing.

@jacksonfelt. Jackson was on my live and he was apparently at the house. I quickly shut off the live and ran to the bathroom since josh was still in there.

I opened the door as I was now having a full blown panic attack. Josh was just wrapping himself in the towel and saw me.

"Hey hey, what's wrong?" He asked while giving me a hug.

"H-he's here.."I said between my breaths.

"Who's here?" Josh asked concerned.

"J-jackson.. h-he was on my live and said it." I said trying to stop freaking out.

Joshs eyes went wide and he quickly put some clothes on and ran upstairs. I sat with the twins on their bed and made sure no one bothered them.

~joshs pov~
I ran upstairs to everyone else to tel them what was going on. I was going to run up to the 2nd floor but Jaden came running down.

"I was on her live. Where the fuck is he." He said angrily.

Next both of her brothers came down too. I guess they were all on Nicole's live because they didn't seem too happy.

Before any of us could ask if we knew anything, there was a knock on the front door.

Tayler didn't hesitate to open it. He saw it was Jackson standing there so he grabbed him and started beating him up.

We all ran over there and joined in, then stepped back once he was almost knocked out.

Charli came down the stairs to see what was going on, and saw who was there. She out on an angry face and came over to us. Jackson tried to grab her but she caught his hand and punched him in the face.

"That's for trying to hurt my bestfriend." She said.

She punched him one more time and said "and that's for burning our house down."

She didn't even let him respond and just walked off back upstairs. We all watched her just walk off like nothing happened, then handled Jackson.

The police came and arrested him, then talked to us.

"Ok, so mr felt had been arrested four times now so you won't be seeing him again. He earned himself a life sentence unless he pulls another thing like last time and escapes. It's going to very tricky this time now that he's in high security." The officer said before he walked off.

We all nodded and watched as the officer drove away with Jackson handcuffed in the back seat.

We shut the front door and I ran down to Nicole to check on her. I felt horrible seeing her scared like this.

When I got down there, she was asleep on the pull out couch with the twins. I smiled at her and gently kissed each of their foreheads, then laid in the empty spot next to Nik.

Look, I could take the bed for myself, but I'd rather be with my family on a couch bed.

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