with you, I'd watch the world burn

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Peter found himself in a bit of a situation. He had less than twenty-four hours to solve the problem and save his own neck. It appeared Loki might be the only one who could help. Peter just had to work up his courage and ask.


He'd been debating, pacing back and forth in front of Loki's room, for nearly twenty minutes now. No, Peter did not have a problem knocking. He'd never had a problem barging in Loki's, or anybody's, room to ask for something, or to talk about whatever. The problem being this time was different. Peter was clueless about how Loki would react, wasn't sure if this was a good idea at all, but he was desperate and there was no one else he could turn to.

He had done a lot for Loki; literally snatched him from the brink of death and gave him the life he had now. Which Peter knew how much it'd look like he was asking for a debt of gratitude, if he were to say those to Loki. How it'd look like he had been expecting something in return from the beginning of their friendship, which wasn't true, of course. The last thing Peter wanted was to give Loki the idea of them only being friends because Peter thought he could benefit from him. They were friends, and Loki owed him nothing. Peter just... needed this favour. Just the one.

"You do realise I can hear your noisy footsteps marching in front of my door, right?"

Peter almost jumped at Loki's unexpectedly opening the door, narrowing his eyes at him.

"What is it?"

"I... I just," he stuttered, then thought they'd better not talk about this in the hallway where their conversation might be heard by anybody else. Peter, despite Loki's dismay, shoved both of them back into the room and shut the door.

"You are acting very strange -"

"I need you to disguise as May." Peter cut Loki off, blunting it out without thinking, but at least -- at the very least -- he drove straight to the point and he felt somewhat relieved he got it out. He probably wouldn't have said it, would have never been ready, if he were to dance around the subject to give himself time. There. You said it. Well done, Peter.

"I beg your pardon?" The look on Loki's face, though. He either believed he'd misheard that or thought it was a joke.

"I need you to disguise as May," Peter repeated, clearly and slowly this time. The thought of him saying it aloud, not once but twice, still sounded funny to him he just wanted to laugh -- Peter was afraid it'd come out way too hysterical and he wouldn't be able to stop himself, which might only result in Loki thinking he'd finally lost his mind for good. So Peter gulped it down, and, much to his own surprise, said it for the third time. "Please, you have to turn into my aunt, like literally turn into her. Be her. For a day. Not - not a whole day, but... just for this,"

"Peter Benjamin Parker," Loki was looking at him like he was growing a second head. "You are not making any sense."

"I know, but I need you to do this." Peter's voice was on the verge of losing it.

For a moment that, in Peter's belief, lasted longer than it actually was, there was only silence; Loki giving him the look he couldn't describe (but he hated it) before eventually Loki sighed and flopped down on the edge of his bed. "Explain," he said.

"All right," Peter nodded, explanation was probably needed, before sitting down next to Loki. "Have you..." he trailed off, thinking about how best to begin. "I don't know, have you ever... gotten into trouble when you were in school? They had schools on Asgard, right?"

Loki narrowed his eyes for the second time. "We had," he said. Then after a pause, "Thor was the troublemaker one, though. You might probably want to have this conversation with him instead,"

My Best Friend's the God of Mischief // Peter x LokiWhere stories live. Discover now