don't wanna come back down, I don't wanna touch the ground

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"Mister Loki, we're home!" Peter called, opening the front door and entering the safe house with his backpack looped on his shoulder, like it was totally normal for a high school kid to come home to the world's most wanted criminal on the run, and by home, it was a hideout hidden in the middle of the forest where the government couldn't track them down. But it was how it was.

"Mister Loki," Peter called again in a singsong voice when there was no sign of the God. "You will never guess what I did at school today,"

No response.

Where was he, anyway?

"Mister Loki,"

"Hey Lokes, we're home!" Tony announced after walking in with May. Thor followed behind.

What a happy family they made.

"He won't answer me," Peter turned to them.

"He's probably in his room," Thor said. "My brother has the habit of spending most of his life away from people. He's probably reading in bed and forgets the outside world exists again,"

"Okay, I'll go check," Peter tossed his backpack on the couch.

"And tell him to come down for dinner," May called from the kitchen as she began putting the groceries in the fridge.

"Kay," Peter responded, already walking up the stairs.


"Mister Loki," Peter knocked on Loki's door. To his surprise Loki didn't answer. He usually answered unless he was mad at Pete for something. Peter tried to think, and couldn't think of what he might have done wrong, in his absence, that would upset Loki. Nope, couldn't think of any.

He knocked again to the same result. "Mister Loki, are you in there?" Peter tried the knob, it wasn't locked. So he pushed it open and, "oh man," the kid waved his hand in front of his face to try to subside the strong scent of.... weed. It greeted him the moment he entered the room, "What's going on in here?"

(Not that Peter should know how weed smelt like. Of course, how would he know, he was only an innocent little boy! Really! It was long ago and it was... for science. A school project, reeeeally. May never knew about it, though. Peter intended to keep it that way.)


Peter almost flinched. Loki sounded like Loki but at the same time he didn't sound like... himself? His voice... sweet? Soft? The kid couldn't put it in words, but it gave him goosebumps.

"Sir, what... are.... you... doing?" Peter asked, trying to make sense of what he was looking at. He would have said Loki was trying to clean the chandelier on the ceiling, but instead he was using the other end of the broomstick; the long handle. And he was just poking it with the handle.

(Is that even safe? Peter wanted to ask. How long have you been doing this? Because that thing could have easily fallen down from the ceiling and crashed his skull, and Peter didn't think May or Thor would appreciate coming back home to Mister Loki dead on the ground with his skull cracked open - Why would Mister Stark even think it was necessary to have a chandelier hanging from the ceiling in every room, anyway? He said something about being classic, but Peter didn't think they needed to have class while trying to hide from the government. Peter never liked chandeliers to begin with, it gave him this paranoid thought that the thing, with its sharp edge hanging from the ceiling above his bed, was going to kill him in his sleep one day)

"Sir, that's not how you -"

"Come, help me. We need to get the culprit down," Loki walked over and took Peter by his wrist, dragging him forward until they were both standing under the chandelier, the broomstick still in Loki's hand as Loki pointed up. "Did you see him?"

My Best Friend's the God of Mischief // Peter x LokiWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt