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A quick important author's notes: I posted the first chapter of my new Loki, Thor and Hela fic where the plot will center around the three of them learning the ups and downs of having siblings!  It's called Unstable. Takes place after Odin passed away in Norway. I'd really appreciate it, if you guys could check it out and maybe leave some feedback - it motivated me to write faster.

Also, this one got a bit longer than expected, but I guess that made up for the long wait.

Lots of love as always xx


Three days after Loki confronted Quentin.

Peter's eyes glued to the clock hanging on the wall just above the whiteboard, and he wasn't even aware he was looking - staring, counting down each second as though he could hardly wait for the bell to ring and so the class would be over. (That was precisely the case)

Peter loved Physics, but Mister Reeds; a sixty-something-year-old man with grey hair and thick glasses who would teach the class for two weeks until Mister Watson, the teacher who was actually responsible for the class, came back from his business trip to Sweden, had this unique ability of making Physics, Peter's favorite subject, sound so damn boring. As a matter of fact, Mister Reeds had this talent of making literally every single thing he said sound so damn boring.

Peter's eyes did leave the clock at last to glance at Ned. Ned was, apparently, fast asleep - snorting not so quietly with his face buried in the fold of his arms, that placed atop his textbook, as makeshift pillow.
Peter looked at his other classmates and it seemed they shared the same amount of torture, fighting the same battle of staying awake and not getting bored to death. (Ned had lost, may he rest with God)

Just when Peter thought he'd never make it out alive, his phone chimed. It snapped him out of his trance. He picked it out of his pocket without trying to hide the device, knowing Mister Reeds was one of the teachers who, as long as they got paid, gave zero shit about what students did in class.

Peter thought perhaps it was May. He furrowed his brows when he looked and saw Mister Loki's name display on the screen along with the candid photo in which Peter took of Mister Loki when he was sleeping in bed wearing Captain America pajamas.

Why would Mister Loki call?

He, after debating with himself for a short moment, made for the door. Unsurprisingly, he wasn't stopped by Mister Reeds. Once he was outside the classroom he answered the phone and brought it to his ear.

Before Peter had a chance to say hello, Mister Loki's fearful voice cut him off.

"You need to come," it sounded like he'd been crying, between his words Peter heard panic - pure panic. "Please, I - I've done something I shouldn't have. Something - something bad and now I don't know what to do! Oh Norns, what have I done?" Loki murmured the last sentence more to himself than to Peter. Then he went back to shouting (begging), "please, I need you to come!"


Loki knew he couldn't just waltz out of Quentin's cell after almost thirty minutes of their little talk and tell Thor it was nothing, that Quentin just wanted to ask how he was doing. But of course he couldn't tell Thor about their deal, couldn't let Thor or anyone know.

He came up with a lie. After all he was the God of Lies. Loki told Thor Quentin only wanted him so he could taunt Loki, saying he could break out any time he wanted and that the Avengers would never be free of him. If Thor stopped and gave it a thought, he would realize how it made no sense at all that someone would turn themselves in just so they could deliver some bitchy comments to their enemy, but it was more believable than Quentin only wanted to ask after Loki's well being, and Thor never gave anything any thought - Thor had always thought too little at things he should've given thorough thought ever since he was a child. But Loki guessed this time, it was better that Thor believed Quentin wanted nothing more than that.

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