the angel from my nightmare

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"Well, that was... nice."

"What.... was that?" Loki asked in a small voice, unconsciously licked his lips as he pushed himself up into sitting, ignoring the way his body ached from the beating he took and demanded him laying back down. He looked somewhat like a child; lost, confused and a bit intimidated.

"A kiss," Quentin shrugged like Lo had just asked the silliest question, "you never been kissed before?"

"Not.... really," Loki looked uncomfortably away. All his life he had always been rejected. Everyone tried to get close to Thor, not him. Thor was the one they wanted while Loki had always been invisible.

"Awwwww," Quentin made that face. And in the blink of an eye he was cupping Loki's face with both hands so Loki was left no choice but to make eye contact. Too close. Quentin's face was too close that for some reason Loki felt panic raising in the pit of his stomach. Felt trapped. Though he said nothing nor did he try to pull away.

"It's okay," soothed Quentin, "really, it's okay. There's gotta be the first time for everything."

"What -" Loki didn't get the say the rest when Quentin crashed their lips together again in an even more passionate kiss, straddled his waist and pushed him down to the sheet.


"What do you mean there's no luck?! It's been week! Week! You had a - a whole freaking week to work on the case, to find him, to at least I don't know try to get some clue? He's out there. He's out there and he could be hurt or worse! What had you guys been doing for the last 7 days that you still can't even -"

"Peter! Peter, that's enough!" Tony had to physically drag Peter away so he could, hopefully, cool down for a little. And so that the cops could properly work.

Apparently it's been a week since Loki had gone missing. Kids from Peter's school had gathered themselves as a searching party also, still - no luck. The feds weren't doing any better, either. It was almost as if he just disappeared from the world. And there was, in fact, a possibility that Loki wasn't even in this world; maybe he had gone to some other realm, other planet in which Peter didn't know which was worse; mister Loki not being on Earth and he would never see him again, or mister Loki still being on Earth but was in trouble.

May rushed to give him a comfort hug the moment she saw how upset her nephew was while Thor paced around the station. For Thor it was a surprise that he was, actually, worried about his brother even though this surely wasn't the first time Loki had gone missing. Loki wasn't a kid anymore; he could be reckless sometimes though he knew how to take care of himself. Yet why the uneasiness weighing in Thor's stomach? Maybe it instinct? In the past Thor had always known should Loki were to be in trouble, this time around the exact same feeling returned, and Thor didn't like it. Though he didn't say anything about this to Peter or May; they were already worried about of their minds, and Thor didn't wish to make it worse.

"Well," Tony trailed off, "it's pretty late. Why don't we all go back home. Maybe he's already back there waiting for you guys? I mean he's unpredictable, right?" That was supposed to be a joke to lighten up everybody's moods, unfortunately Peter and May and Thor found it far from funny. If anything they were just tired. Worried and tired.

"I think he's right," May said to Peter when the kid was about to protest, she gave him a light pat on the top of his head. And Peter knew there was no arguing with May. So he closed his mouth before he could say anything his aunt would find inappropriate, and after a short moment he looked at her and asked, "do you think he'll come back? I mean he's one my best friends. What if I never see him again?"

May gave him a soft smile though there was pain behind her eyes. Peter may be Spider-Man, but he was still that kid and, in time like this, he reminded her how he was still the same kid with such pure heart. Sometimes May wished everything wasn't so hard on him. Or on Loki.

"I.... don't know," May said after a pause. She knew it was a cruel thing to say, and she hated that she had to say it at all. She just couldn't give him pretty lies and risk him breaking down later, if worst did come to worst. "But I do know one thing; he misses you just like you miss him."

"Then why'd he... leave?"

May sighed, running a hand through Peter's hair, "sometimes we make choices we wish we didn't have to. I'm sure this is as hard for Loki as it is for you."

Peter just nodded. Then he wordlessly walked out the door and to Tony's car, closing the car door and just wait for everyone else to get in so he could have a ride back home.

Thor gave May an apologetic look (like it was his fault his brother ran away), and she sighed.


Peter didn't go directly to his room like always. Instead he found himself standing in the middle of Loki's room. It was the first time he came in here after finding it empty with a note that morning. Everything looked the same. Neat, unlike Peter's. There was still his scent lingering in the air, it was so easy to pretend he was still here, maybe just in the bathroom or in the kitchen. But still here.

He sighed and, for the first time, Peter allowed his brain to think what went wrong. Had he done anything that might have offended him enough he left? Peter couldn't think of any.

He sat down on Mister Loki's bed, his gaze carried out the window. Everything felt so empty.

He missed his best friend.

My Best Friend's the God of Mischief // Peter x LokiWhere stories live. Discover now