safe haven

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The missing scene where Loki — the one from the past — realized he fucked, and that he had no where to go. Thus his only choice was to gracelessly crawl back to the mortal kid, namely, Ned Leeds.


Sorry for the (super) long wait, but I'm back with a new chapter! It's a bit short and I apologize in advance for that, though there's still more to come, and I'll try to update more often. Hope you're still sticking around.


After Loki took off that night, he later realized he didn't really have anywhere else to go. When Loki came back knocking on Ned's door Ned was rightfully panicked, he was about to run for his phone to call Peter, but Loki said he meant no harm — at least for now — and that he needed a place to stay.
And that he was sorry he took off in the first place.

Loki had specifically asked, tone almost on the verge of begging, even though he'd intended to sound intimidating, that Ned didn't report to the Avengers.

Ned's calling Peter would be alerting the Avengers, and Loki couldn't have... that. Sure, he could snap the kid's neck in half, and his problem would be gone. He'd killed enough in the past two days, and they were the murders he actually wanted no part in.

It took effort for Thanos's control over his mind to completely lose its effect. The last thing Loki wanted was to have the first thing he did, after finally being free of Thanos, to be another murder committed by his own hands. He didn't want to kill anymore. He'd already had enough blood on his hands.

And the mortal — Ned — was just standing there, looking at him with the phone still in his hand with his mouth hung open like he was looking at an alien of some sort... which was, in fact, just the case. Loki was an alien here.

"Oh, come on, you don't have to be this spooked. We've met before. I literally spent three hours of my life soaking in viruses and bacteria or whatever diseases you have on that bed. I was gone for literally a few hours!" Loki pointed out, his voice high. He was feeling somewhat awkward as he stood in the doorway, like he needed the kid's permission to enter the room he previously escaped from.

"You... want to soak in viruses and bacterias or whatever diseases I have on my bed again?" Ned recited Loki's words, still thoroughly dumbfounded.

Loki rolled his eyes. Out of seven billion people in the damn realm, he happened to be stuck with this one. Though he crossed the threshold and shut the door behind eventually. Beggars can't be choosers. It was either this or being out there on the street, and Loki was tired of running.

He flopped down on Ned's disgusting bed and crossed his arms over his chest, back against the headboard and long legs rested along the dirty mattress. Ned still looked at him with that look, the phone was still in his hand, but Loki figured he'd long forgotten about it, so that shouldn't be a problem, but just in case. "Do not call anyone," he said, voice hoarse. "Or I'll make sure you regret that."

Better have Peter and the Avengers believe you're gone.

Ned gulped. He slowly put the phone down, his eyes never left Loki.

"Sooo.... you're... back? Like back back?"

Loki rolled his eyes again. "I'm not going to take off this time." At least not now. Not when he still couldn't think of anywhere else where he could take shelter.

He immediately flinched, or, more like 'outright jumped away' with a hiss when a creature — a furry, black creature — jumped up to join him on the bed with no warning. He didn't know what it was, how it ever got in here, if it was a threat —

"Yeah, that's nana's cat." Ned spoke nonchalantly as he leaned slightly against the wall, already reaching for a bag of chips and munching on the snack while Loki scrambled far away from the creature called Nana's Cat, hissing still.

Nana's Cat looked at Loki for a few more seconds as Loki continued hissing. Then the fluffy creature started licking his own fur, his attention no longer focused on Loki. While Loki's attention was still fully on the creature; Nana's Cat, though he wasn't hissing so frantically anymore, just a low growl from his throat now.

Ned walked over and lifted him off the bed with one hand, the other still holding the back of chips, before letting him go somewhere on the floor. Loki's eyes were still on the creature until Ned's voice grabbed his attention.

"If you're gonna stay, like stay stay this time, I think we're going to have a few common ground rules." He said.

"And what is that supposed to mean?" Loki raised his brows.

"No killing." Ned said, it was kind of the first thing he could think off of the top of his head, if this was the same Loki who'd recently killed eighty people in two days.

"I can get behind that." Loki shrugged.

"No stabbing either," Ned went on.

Loki looked like he was considering that. "Fine." He said eventually after a brief pause. "That doesn't include occasionally mischief and fun, just so we're clear." He then added. Mischief and fun weren't necessarily have to involve murders or stabbing, Loki thought, not always, he would... find a way.

"No to mischief and fun." Ned protested.

"Yes to mischief and fun." Loki shot back, his voice low and dark while his gaze staring defiantly through Ned's soul. He wasn't going to lose to a mortal kid.

"Alright, fine. Occasionally mischief and fun are fine, but no killing or stabbing."

"Point taken."

"And no eating nana's cat." Ned added, when the cat headbutt his leg.

Loki glanced down at the creature on the floor for a breath or two. "Fine by me," he said while the thing meowed casually.

"And you won't tell anyone about me. Not even your friend," Loki's eyes found Ned again.

"Listen, I don't like keeping secrets from Peter, but fine. Fine, I won't tell, but you can't be breaking any rules or... or I'll alert the Avengers." Ned hoped he sound at least intimidating.

Loki was silent for a short moment, then he slowly nodded. "Seems like we have a deal, pathetic mortal."

And Ned thought, well, this is going to be so much fun.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2021 ⏰

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