love, hunt me down

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2012 Loki went on a little adventure in the new world he found himself in.


Teleporting away from Ned's room was almost too easy, the not-so-easy part was figuring out where he should next land. He couldn't risk traveling with the Tesseract to yet another universe, so it'd have to be in this world, that at least limited down some of the options. 

He didn't know where he should be heading, perhaps somewhere he could take shelter and hide from anyone and everyone for as long as he needed to. For some reason he ended up back at the Avengers compound where he should stay away from. He couldn't. Oh, he knew what a stupid idea coming here was, if someone saw him, if his other self saw him. There was something drawing him here nonetheless, like a moth flying directly into burning flames.

Loki hid in the shadow, watching his brother -- his other brother -- from the distance as Thor said goodnight to his other self, the other Loki, the real Loki of the world he was in. He felt a pang in his chest that felt almost like a wishful longing for the old days. It felt somehow so surreal; his last memory with the Thor from his world was them fighting, throwing daggers and bitter words at each other before Thor and his so-called Avenger friends shot him down, and he barely escaped with the wounded pride he no longer had. Here they were... brothers, something Loki thought was gone forever but Thor simply wrapped his arm around him -- the other Loki's shoulders -- like it was the most normal thing to do, like they didn't swore they hated each other and were never brothers. It felt almost like an illusion to see himself loved, welcomed, accepted, except this wasn't an illusion and Loki didn't know what to think of it.

Thor loves you. Thor still loves you, even after everything.

Loki stood still -- even after the Loki disappeared into his room and Thor had already walked away -- thinking, trying to process what he'd just saw. He ended up with questions he failed to answer.


Loki flinched. He did jump like a spooked cat. When he spun around he was face to face with one of his enemies; Tony Stark. And he expected to be shot, or seized to the ground, or for the alarm to start wailing from the ceiling, but Tony just watched him with nonchalant expression, or perhaps with a little bit confusion, for the face Loki made alone; like Loki just saw a ghost. Tony didn't look hostile. If anything he looked confused with the face Loki was making. "What's wrong? What... why are you dressed like that?" He asked, and it occurred to Loki he was still in the clothes and the armour he wore during his New York invasion. He was trying to come up with an answer that wouldn't give himself away when Tony, thankfully, changed the subject, "You look pale," He said, sounding more worried than suspicious.


I threw you out the window. I am an enemy and here I am living in your house.

Tony lifted his brows at Loki's silence. "Jeez, Lokes, are you sick? Should I call your brother --"

"No, no, it's fine. I... I'm fine,"

Tony nodded slowly like he wasn't entirely convinced. "What're you doing sneaking around?" If the question sounded like an interrogation, Tony's tone was nothing but concern, like he cared for Loki's well-being and nothing else.

"I'm just... thirsty," Loki smiled. Tony had no problem with him being here, Tony didn't see him as an enemy. "I'll just... excuse myself, if you don't mind,"

"Lokes," Tony said as Loki tried to slip away. "The kitchen's that way,"

"Huh?" Loki blinked, confused.

"You said you were thirsty,"

"Oh, right. I was. I am," he chuckled wryly, awkwardly, then carefully moved the other way and past Tony, making sure he made no physical contact in the process. If Tony still looked a little bit confused with Loki's acting weird, he, thankfully, didn't make any comment about it.

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