happy birthday

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Loki hadn't felt this nervous in so long, precisely the last time he was this nervous was when Asgard still stood in her glory and he and Thor were still princes. Young and naive. He was very nervous now he was afraid he was going to screw everything up.

Apparently he was in too deep to turn around.


Loki wasn't particularly sure what actually was happening, but people were celebrating, it seemed. He looked out the window and the street was filled with red and white and blue and American flags. There was a parade, people in a bizarre costume with a long, black top hat, but overall it didn't look so bad at all.

"It's the Fourth of July," Peter's unexpectedly approaching almost made him flinch. It still irritated Loki greatly how the kid had always been able to sneak up on him when barely any soul was able to sneak up on him. (Loki had long given up in telling Peter to stop doing it. He never listened)

"What's that?" Instead he asked with one raised eyebrow.

"It's what we do every year on earth, well, not the entire world, but in America. It's Independence Day so we celebrate our freedom, and it's a holiday,"

Loki nodded slightly, seemingly in thoughts. "I figure it's like an annual holiday where people celebrate and... have fun?"

"More or less," Peter shrugged. "Yeah, and it's also Mister Steve's birthday,"

"What?" That seemed to get Loki's attention... more or less. He fully looked at Peter with a look that looked more like Peter had just told him he was a koala in disguise rather than just a simple information about it being someone's birthday today.

"Mister Steve," Peter said with a nonchalant expression (because Peter had already been disappointed about his being wrong about it being something between his best friend and Captain America. Really, Peter didn't know why'd Loki care that today was Steve's birthday) "It's his birthday today," then, "you celebrate birthday on Asgard?"

"We did," Loki nodded. They normally celebrated with a feast and a hunting trip, which wasn't something Loki was overly fond of. Though he hoped they'd be different on Midgard.

"Cool," Peter patted him on the shoulder before excusing himself.

It shouldn't be a big deal. Loki knew he probably should forget about it and go on about his day. He couldn't stop thinking about it being Steve's birthday today, and how they'd celebrate Steve. If they'd celebrate and make it a special day for the Captain.


"It's Steve's birthday today,"

"Aye. The Man of Iron told me that," Thor said dismissively as he cleaned Stormbreaker, making sure the blade was shiny and was rid of the blood of his last opponent from his previous journey to Muspelheim. (Thor still traveled a short trip from time to time — it reminded him of his old life and Loki wasn't about to stop him from doing what brought him small joy)

It was Loki's silence that caught Thor's attention. Thor lifted his gaze up from his dear weapon and eyed Loki, who still stood there, as though he was waiting for Loki to say what he came here to say. But Loki merely stay silent.

"Brother," Thor spoke eventually, "is there anything you want to discuss with me?"

Loki looked hesitant. He opted to say nothing, there was nothing he wanted to discuss with Thor, but that was a lie and, disregard him being the God of Lies, Loki had a feeling Thor would be able to spot a lie from his lips, if he were to lie about this. So he sighed, not quite making eye contact with Thor. "I think we should celebrate him, do something,"

My Best Friend's the God of Mischief // Peter x LokiWhere stories live. Discover now