cast me down where the devil don't go

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Thank you for everything.

All the love. L

Peter read the note in his hand, the note from Loki; the only token he left for them before taking off in the dead of night. The note sat neatly on his nightstand table, awaiting someone to find it in the next morning. That someone was Peter.

Pinching the bridge of his nose Thor looked disturbingly unsurprised. He was worried, just wasn't surprised. After all Thor had been with Loki for a thousand years and more; Loki running away wasn't a shock for him, still it did not mean he wasn't worried out of his mind.

"I don't understand," May said. She sounded more worried than angry.

"I do," Thor laughed wryly.

"Was it because of us?" May looked up at the Thunder God (because he was so tall she had to tilt her head a little bit upward) "We pushed him away. Oh poor Loki." Now she looked like she was going to break into tears with her eyes turning red.

"No," Thor cut her off, the guilt in her eyes made his chest ache. "No, you must not blame yourself especially after all you've done for him, for me." After a long pause and a sigh Thor continued, "I pushed him away with my... arrival, perhaps. Loki is complicated, and that complication of his may be the only thing I understand about him."

Tony seemed worried too. However Tony's worry may varied in reasons from Thor and May and Peter. Because Thor and May and Peter were worried that Loki would be in trouble wandering alone in a world he didn't know. On the other hand Tony was worried that Loki would be causing trouble now that he was out there unauthorized in a world he once attempted to conquer.

"We have to go and find him!" Peter voiced. He sounded urgent. He looked urgent. "He's out there. He could be scared. Could be hurt."

"Whoa whoa whoa, hold on," Tony interjected, "don't you have school?" Then he turned to May, "doesn't he have school?"

"Screw the fucking school!" Peter unconsciously raised his voice, panting. He immediately felt bad afterward when the room fell into silence.

(Under other circumstances May would have grounded him for life, but now she spoke no word and simply let him off the hook. She could only imagine how stressed he must be. Hell she was stressed, too)

"I will find him." Thor said eventually. "Loki is my responsibility and it is my duty to keep him from any harm and from... causing others harm."

"I'll go with you." Peter said quickly.

"What about school?" Asked Tony.

"You know what," May said, her voice so intimidating it shushed everyone up, "we are all finding him together."

"So..." Tony said, voice soft, "no school?"


**Last night. Three hours before dawn.

Quentin poured Loki another drink. After the second glass he was kind of intoxicated; his mind turned numb and so Loki was incapable of saying no as his new friend's eyes, that were watching him with such intense, forced him to empty whatever liquor he was given.

"You're feeling better, right?" Quentin asked. His tone was kind, his hand on Loki's shoulder firm but gentle.

"I... think so," Loki tightened his hold around the glass, not too tight, just enough for him to feel something other than the numbness and the stranger's - who called himself Mysterio - hand. The truth was Loki was drunk enough that he didn't know how he ended up here, drunk enough that he wasn't able to put up any guard.

"Say, Lo. Can I call you Lo?"

Loki nodded, but it was more of a head that bobbed up and down, slightly and soullessly, than a nod. Like his brain didn't want to (couldn't with alcohol in his blood) process anything anymore.

"People are talking about you. Rumors and stuff. They're saying that you're not dead, someone tweeted they saw you. Other people tweeted blurry pictures, too blurred to see anything, but they said it was you. Anyway I always knew you're alive and kicking. And look at who I found!" Quentin chuckled, but Loki only gave him a small smile. Exhausted and wrecked, and couldn't come close to compare to his company's over-energetic vibes.

"It's a miracle you made it out unharmed. Really. I was rooting for you."

"I wasn't exactly unharmed," Loki shrugged, chuckled wryly.

"So... you're saying there was someone helping you." The eagerness in Quentin's voice was well hidden, not that he really needed to hide them since Loki was too drunk to catch them anyway.

"There were this kind boy and his aunt," Loki said, eyes not on his company but on his own lap. "The boy found me. He saved my life."

"Must be one hell of an extraordinary boy, huh. I mean I can't picture a normal kid nursing a God back to health." Quentin teased.

"He's special." Loki said, still unaware of what information he was spilling when he was so intoxicated.

"I know," said Quentin. "If anyone were to saved my ass, I'd say they were special too."

"No, I mean he really is special. He's Spider-Man."

Quentin lifted his eyebrows. "You've been staying with Spider-Man? That Spider-Man who works with Stark... I mean Iron Man?"

Loki nodded wordlessly, lifelessly.

"Damn. You must have heard of so many amazing stories then."

"What do you mean?"

"You know what I'm talking about."

Loki didn't. His sincere confusion told Quentin he was genuinely lost. Quentin sighed, and then said, "the secrets, buddy. Iron Man's secrets. That Spider Boy knows every deepest tactic Stark Industries holds. He must've told you all of 'em... at least some."

"Oh," Loki said, and then, "no. Tony Stark was never our topic of conversation. He never told me anything about him, and I never planned on asking since I don't see how Stark and his technology have anything to do with me."

Now it was Quentin's turn to nod. He knew Loki was telling the truth; no one was able to tell lies when they were drunk. Not even the God of Lies. "Well, then surely you must know about the boy, Spider-Man."

"I do." Loki nodded.

Quentin was quiet for a moment. Then, "I need to ask you something."

Loki waited. His silence encouraged his company's question.

"What is the name of the boy who saved you?"

My Best Friend's the God of Mischief // Peter x LokiWhere stories live. Discover now