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They (Tony, Thor and May) reached an agreement that until all of this was solved, it was best Loki stayed here. "I could just use my magic and turn into someone else. No one would recognise me," Loki had said with a glimpse of hope that he wouldn't be stuck in the middle of the woods (Tony's safe house was nice and all, but he still wanted to explore the world)

"Can't risk that," Tony had answered. "We don't know if you using your magic would somehow trigger any of their radar. Better to be safe,"

Loki wanted to argue, push his luck and say he did not want to be trapped here, but May had agreed with Tony; she didn't want any risk to be taken, and Loki knew that... was that. He could disagree with Tony, with Thor and with Peter, but not with May.

"Peter could stay with you," she said, and then to Peter, "would you want that?"

"I can?" Peter asked the second Loki said, "he can?" Their eyes sparked like two kids getting excited over travelling their first trip to Disneyland.

"May and I talked, until we catch Mysterio, it's for the best the both of you stay low," Tony explained.

"I'll stay," Thor said, voice firm. "If anything happens, then I'll be able to help,"

"Great," Tony extended both arms out to his sides, "we're all staying here like a normal American family on vacations. Should I order us pizza?"


Loki was bored to death. He liked having Peter and May here, and maybe even Thor's presence made it not so bad, but after all, it didn't change the fact he was stuck here without the permission to use his own magic - therefore summoning his dagger to stab Thor, like he used to do on a daily basis, was out of option.

He had to find himself something to do.

Some mischief to cause? No no no, Loki quickly shook his head; those days were behind him, he had said that. He didn't want to be a trouble maker anymore, especially to the people who had been nothing but kind to him. He just had to fine... some stuff to do that wouldn't bother anymore.

Loki did not know what else to do that wouldn't involve mischief and mayhem. Until he found Tony's laptop sitting on the desk unattended.

There was no one in the room but him (May was reading in her room, Tony was sleeping while Peter was out fishing with Thor)

Curiosity got the best of Loki. It's not very polite of you to do this, the voices sounded like Frigga and May, but Loki wasn't trying to spy. He remembered seeing Tony spend hours in front of the thing, and he wanted to know what it was. There weren't any on Asgard.

He opened it and was immediately greeted with password request. Loki furrowed his brows. He drummed his fingers thoughtfully against the keyboard.

The only thing guiding him on the screen was the words 'enter password' so Loki typed 'password' in there. It took him like... three minutes and a half to find all the alphabets needed on the keyboard: p - a - s - s - w - o - r - d password! (who would've thought)

After he managed to type it in, the screen took him to what Midgardian called Twitter. At the top of the screen, it had Tony Stark written there. So this was Tony Stark's twitter. Nice. Loki had heard about the bird website once or twice while he was at May's apartment, Peter talked about it, something about not getting a follow back from Mister Stark, but Loki never bothered to ask what it was. He took his time studying Tony Stark's Twitter; on the screen it said 198M followers and 0 following.

Loki scrolled down a bit and saw what seemed to be the things Tony had said online. He believed in Midgardian term, it called what Tony had 'tweeted' - good morning from Vegas, one tweet said, dated back a while ago. Or to be exact, just the day Loki left Quentin (Loki tried not to think about that, not to think about Quentin at all)

My Best Friend's the God of Mischief // Peter x LokiWhere stories live. Discover now