sickness within

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Loki may be immune to Midgard's diseases and he may be able to bounce back to health should he were to be injured in any way. Though there were illnesses even Loki's ability to heal couldn't cover. That and the secret Loki hoped his friends would never find out.

The thing about secret was that it could be kept for only so long.


Please, mind the light trigger warning. I would find an excuse to give you guys as to why I like to put Loki through hell so much but the truth is... I don't know. I guess it's what you do to your favourite, most precious baby when you're a fanfic writer.


Loki had expected it to burn, the touch. He grew up taught and warned until it embedded into his every atom; a touch from a Jotun burnt like ice, it bit and it forced its way into your skin until it reached bones. He had thought, then, that this was where he died. Instead the dread grip of a Frost Giant on his wrist did not burn -- what it did was worse. Loki wished it burnt. It changed him. His skin, Loki watched with wide eyes, it slowly turned. Blueness creeping down his fingers, spreading up his arm like a disease.

No. No, this can't be real. It can't be real.

"Loki?" Thor's voice brought him out of his trance. Loki turned to where his brother stood and it was the utterly horror in Thor's eyes that made it real. Loki had been telling himself for the part 60 seconds that this was only a trick, a hallucination the Jotuns tried to poison him with. It was the fear and disgust on Thor's face that confirmed this was real. What he saw was real and now Thor saw it, too. Then Sif, and Fandral and Hogun and Volstagg. They all saw it.

"What is this, Loki?" Thor stepped forward. Something -- neither rage nor shock but disappointment -- in Thor's voice made Loki feel like hiding somewhere where he'd never be seen.

"Brother -"

"I knew it," Fandral cut Loki off. "The house of Odin is full of traitors, eh?"

"A disgusting Jotun," Sif looked him up and down, she wasn't trying to hide the hatred in her eyes. She never liked him, anyway.

"What do we do with it, Thor?" Volstagg asked as though Loki weren't here.

Loki opened his mouth, no words came out. The tears, however, were silently running down his face. He looked this way and that, the look he received, the way their stare bored a hole through his soul -- Loki never felt as though he were a rotting carcass, his existence only serve in death and ruin. A horrendous Jotun. A savage beast.

Mjolnir in Thor's hold made contact with the side of his head before Loki had the time to prepare himself. The last he saw after his legs gave out, as consciousness quickly bleeding out like the blood from where Thor's hammer had struck him, was a blurry vision of Thor's boot. Sif and the Warriors Three approaching. They were saying something, if only the ringing in Loki's ears weren't so intense.

He went out like a light five seconds later.

When he woke it was to the bright sunlight shining through his window. Loki groaned. It took him a moment to process things, he was on his bed in his chamber in Asgard's palace. It was just a dream, a bad one but that was what it could ever be; a nightmare that was over the second he opened his eyes. And even if Loki could still feel his heart hammering frantically in his chest, he knew he would laugh at it after an hour or two. How silly of him he had a dream about himself being a Frost Giant.

He might have closed his eyes and lied lazily in bed for ten more minutes, if not for the door abruptly being kicked from its hinge. Guards swooped in and Loki wasn't fast enough to ask what was wrong or to even get up when he was being roughly grabbed and dragged on his feet. Their grips on his arms tight enough that it hurt. "What are you doing?" He asked, panic kicking in. This isn't right.

My Best Friend's the God of Mischief // Peter x LokiDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora