how to save a life

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Since they decided they wouldn't leave Loki here to die or to be eaten by some raccoons, they came to realize the big problem they'd have to face; they couldn't just haul him down the street to Peter's without people seeing two kids carrying the unconscious God of Mischief who attacked New York and tried to make the entire mankind kneel before him. Because people would freak out and they would take pictures, and those pictures would end up on the internet and once they ended up on the internet Mister Stark and Aunt May would know. And when Mister Stark and Aunt May found out what Peter kid, Peter would die. Like for real.

So they had to find a way; how to take a grown up God to his room without anyone noticing.

Maybe it was Ned's idea, or maybe it was Peter's. But both of them happened to look at the currently-lack-of-body-inside dumpster at the same time. Then they shared a glance. Just like that; because they were besties they knew they were thinking the same thing without any explanation needed. So this was how they were going to sneak the God of Mischief to Peter's apartment. No. To Aunt May's apartment.

"Help me get him in there." Said Peter.

"What?! I'm not touching him. What if it wakes and kills me?!" Ned quickly defended, sounding genuine scared.

"He won't!"

"How'd you know he's not like faking it and is just waiting for us to touch him so he can kill us."

"Ned, his neck is broken."

"What if he's radioactive?!"

"He's not!" Peter raised his voice, then gave what his friend said a thought. No, he told himself; no, mister Loki wasn't radioactive. Mister Thor would've said something about this if he was, wouldn't he? Nah. No radioactive.

"I don't know, man. I really don't want-"

"Ned, I need your help!!"

"Alright. Fine. Fine!" Ned held his hands up in surrender and went for Loki's leg. And it was clear now how the boys planned to make this work; Peter hooked him up from his arms while Ned lifted Loki's legs from the floor, and damn, he was heavy. All those armor and such, and it was a delicate work because Peter was afraid he was going to damage Loki's neck more than it already was moving him like that. So they were bloody careful.

Eventually they managed to put the God in the dumpster with a loud noise that Peter hoped wasn't Loki's bone. Then they started hauling the dumpster down the road. Peter also hoped he wouldn't get into trouble for stealing the school's property. It was necessary!


Everything went well. No one batted an eye on two kids with a dumpster. They made it to Peter's apartment (Aunt May's) and Pete knew he wasn't going to take the front door. Aunt May would notice and he wouldn't be able to come up with an excuse of why'd he have a huge dumpster with him without Aunt May demanding to know what's inside. So they had to take the fire escape at the back. Obviously they couldn't haul the huge dumpster up the stairs. So they had to carry Loki out of the thing and dragged him up to the sixteenth floor to Peter's room. No one would see it, hopefully no one would see two kids dragging a body up the stairs.

When they made it to the sixteenth floor Peter collapsed with Loki crashing his legs. Ned wiping away the sweat on his forehead with the back of his hand, "Come on, Pete," He said, "We need to get him in your room."

Peter nodded, still catching his breath. But he (unintentionally) pushed Loki aside, out of his legs, and got on his feet. Then he and Ned carried the God through the window. And, eventually, thankfully, Loki landed (hopefully) safely in Peter's room. And Peter turned towards Ned, looking like he was having a hard time figuring out if he was dreaming. But then he said, "Dude, mister Loki is in my room!"


Mister Loki is in my room. The words kept repeating itself in Peter's head as Peter kept pacing back and forth. He had Loki in his room. On his bed. And oh god, it had just occurred to Peter that having a supposedly dead God in his bed wasn't like having a secret dog at all.

"Is he still breathing?" He stopped walking, turned towards Ned, who sat on a chair next to the bed, and asked the same question for the tenth time within ten minutes.

"Yeah.... he's alive." Ned said, hovering his fingers over Loki's nose to feel the soft breath the God exhaled.

"Good." Pete nodded, more to himself. "That's good. Let's... ughhh.... let's keep him that way."

"What are you gonna do?" Ned asked, sounding genuinely curious. And shoot, Peter didn't know what he was going to do now that he actually sneaked Loki into his room, either. He learned what seemed like the hardest part; getting Loki here, was in fact, the easiest part. And the real hard one was taking care of Loki while keeping him a secret. Peter knew he couldn't call Mister Stark and ask, Hey, mister Stark, not that I secretly have mister Loki in my room - which I obviously don't - but do you happen to know how to take care of a person with a broken neck? No, sir, I'm not hiding something and definitely not mister Loki. I only asked out of curiosity. No, Peter wasn't going to do that even though he actually considered it.

But he pulled out his phone and googled, how to treat a broken neck. And read some articles. But eventually he sighed and tossed the phone away.

"Ain't he supposed to heal himself?" Ned broke the silence.

Peter shrugged, looking at Loki who was still unconscious he tried to examine the bruise around his throat. It didn't look worse. Though Peter didn't think it looked better either. He walked over, grabbed his pillow and carefully put it under Loki's neck as a makeshift neck brace.

Then, hesitantly, Peter grabbed Loki's hand and placed it on his stomach and did the same with his other hand. But now Loki just looked even more like a corpse which Peter definitely didn't approve the idea of having a corpse on his bed. So he undid what he did; placing Loki's hand on his sides. He then pulled the blanket over till it reached Loki's shoulders. Thank God now it looked less like a corpse and more like Loki was only sleeping on Peter's bed.

Then Peter sat next to Ned. And both of them just looked at Loki without saying anything.

And eventually Ned had to excuse himself when the night fell and it was just Peter and Loki alone together and fuck! Even though Loki was still out cold it didn't make it any less awkward for Peter. There were a lot of times when Pete almost caved under the pressure, called mister Stark and told him everything. But when he pictured Loki locked up in a cell looking lost beyond limits he couldn't do that. It'd feel exactly like he had betrayed Loki's trust because, even if Loki was sleeping these whole time, Peter had already began helping him, and to stop helping him by turning him in would be worse than not helping him in the first place. So Peter just sighed. Kept checking ever so often that Loki was still breathing.

When the digital clock on the nightstand table flashed 3:00 Peter lost the battle and fell asleep still sitting on the armchair with his head against the edge of the bed that Loki remained.

Tomorrow was going to get harder and Peter knew that. But for now he needed sleep, and he had to get used to sharing a room with the God of Mischief. He just had to.

My Best Friend's the God of Mischief // Peter x LokiWhere stories live. Discover now