I'm sorry

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"I can't believe I spent the last hour worried out of my mind thinking you were dead. Or worse!" Thor wouldn't stop. He'd been lecturing Loki about this for... almost 45 minutes now. And the thing was Loki didn't even know what he did wrong. It wasn't that he had a say in how the Grandmaster spoiled him rotten before Thor showed up. "Do you have anything to say for yourself?"

"I got shot -"

"Don't," Thor cut him off, pointing finger in his face. He didn't actually give Loki a chance to speak here, "that lunatic? Again?! Loki, I can't believe this."

Me either, Loki wanted to say, but he believed the best way to get himself out of this was to shut his mouth and waited until Thor's anger died down.

They (Loki, Thor and Tony) were still in the Grandmaster's shed. Thor had yanked Loki away from the ancient being almost immediately, and Tony was sure Thor would have preferred it being anyone else and the event ending in blood on walls to it being this Grandmaster guy - Tony didn't know who he was, but Thor seemed to have zero tolerance for the dude.

Tony thought he ought to thank the Grandmaster for not having his men firing at their asses, and instead allowing them all to sit down and talk like civil people. And because Thor wouldn't talk to him, instead focusing on yanking Loki away and wrapping that blanket around him like he was made of glass, easy to break, Tony had to be the one having the talk with the Grandmaster.

"So you're from this planet... Sakaar," Tony trailed off.

"That's right,"

"And you were... overthrown. Revolution, all that stuff. So you had to relocate, hence the pot field on Earth."

"Well, Earth is lovely like that," The Grandmaster shrugged, taking another sip of his steaming coffee.

Tony nodded slowly. He was trying to find the right words to put this as gently as he could. "Yeah... I'm sure you're doing well here, but I mean... you know it's not exactly... legal here, right? I know you mentioned you didn't have rules on Sakaar, but here isn't Sakaar and ugh... well, here we unfortunately have rules, and growing pot field is.... sadly against them?"

The Grandmaster nodded like he understood, though Tony doubted it was that easy. "Such a shame..." he trailed off. Tony could hear the but coming from miles away, "but," ah, here we go, "from what I understand here everyone bends the rules all the time, and it's not that big deal."

"I'm sorry I'm afraid I'm not following," Tony chuckled wryly.

"Well my point is, you see little Lolo there," the Grandmaster pointed across the room. Tony turned to look to where Thor was... scolding Loki for getting shot and getting spoiled by the Grandmaster... apparently. "Isn't he a good boy? Look at him listening to his brother there. Such a good boy..."

What are you trying to say? Tony wanted to ask. He started to mentally agree with Thor now that the Grandmaster was a creep.

"From what I understand here, according to the rules," Grandmaster made a quote gesture with his fingers, "he's not supposed to be here, just like my little business here."

Oh, Tony could begin to put the pieces together now. "And if we are all gonna follow the rules then, cool, let's call the authority over. I'm sure they'll have a good time taking both me and Lo into custody,"

Tony looked back at the Grandmaster and narrowed his eyes. It was clear now which way this was going. Damn, the man was smart. Maybe Thor was right about hating him.

"Or we could all just... keep this our little secrets?" Grandmaster blinked seductively. It took Tony about five seconds to get that he was winking at him... with both eyes. "No one has to know," Grandmaster whispered

My Best Friend's the God of Mischief // Peter x LokiWhere stories live. Discover now