to escape what's inside me

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Loki's full of surprises. And by surprises, no one expected him to turn blue out of the blue. Oh and, he might be dying, too. All of these combined together sure counted as hell a lot of surprises for a villain-turned-soft-baby whom the Avengers took under their wings.


The last thing Loki remembered was Steve murmuring some soothing words close to his ear. Steve's face was a blur and Steve seemed worried. Why would Steve be worried? Loki tried to think. It felt as though he forgot something important. Something very important. But maybe nothing was important anymore because he felt a great deal like he was fading away fast.

Was that Thor's voice shouting something? Maybe. Maybe not. It didn't really matter because that's when Loki went out like a light in Steve's arms.


Parts of him didn't really expect to wake up again (because, really, how many times had Loki had a brush with death? At this point he should be greeting it like an old friend) but he did wake up feeling like crap.

What he heard before he opened his eyes were talkings. Indistinct conversations over his head. And deep down, inside him, the instinct that was shaped from countless amount of experiences told Loki to be alert -- that's exactly what Loki woke up to after falling (letting go) off Bifrost bridge and into Thanos' hold; indistinct conversations of people (Thanos and the Chitauri) talking about him over him -- except this time the voices were familiar and they were familiar in a good kind of way. There were Tony's voice, and Thor's and Steve's, and Peter's, too. Although Loki couldn't make out what they were speaking about, he had a pretty valid feeling they were about him.

When he opened his eyes it was to the grey ceiling and coldness engulfing his skin. Something felt off. One thing for sure, he wasn't in the comfort of his own bed in his own room, nor was he somehow made it to Peter's like some other nights where he was bothered by the nightmare. Loki held very still, trying to think straight. They were still talking and it didn't seem they noticed he'd woken up.

Will he be okay, said Peter's voice. Or Loki thought that was what Peter said, though it was hard to try to make out words when they came from outside the room and the door was shut.

Then the other joined, not Tony or Steve or Thor. Loki wasn't so familiar with them, but if he had to guess, he'd say they were Agent Romanoff's voice. Something about 'dangerous', 'unstable' and 'we don't know'

Loki furrowed his brows and prompted up on his elbow, taking in his surrounding at the same time. He was, apparently, in a cell. A confinement. There was a door there and a window that was only clear enough for him to see the outlines of a group of people talking outside, but not their faces. Though the most alarming factor being ice and literal snowflakes covering the walls and seemingly floated in the air around Loki. It looked exactly as though he were caged in a snowball. That was the most alarming part about it all.

His eyes widened. He knew what it meant. He just hoped it wasn't. But when Loki looked down at himself, at his own arms and hands, and saw horrendous Jotun blue, he knew his worst fear had come true.


"Wait, let me get this straight, so you mean the meteoroid is what causes Loki to change against his will?"

"That's what I believe," said Shuri. The Princess was invited over from Wakanda. She had always fascinated in space and astronomy, and she'd been more than helpful. Especially when it'd been two whole days since Loki fell into unconsciousness, his body remained a Jotun. They started putting pieces together, connecting the dots, until they learned Loki's falling into mysterious illness, or not illness -- he was just blue (it was his true form) and he wouldn't wake up -- may had something to do with Tony's new toy. (And Loki, in his sleep, would have frozen the entire compound with his ice power if not for them coming up with a room that could confine said power -- it wasn't Loki's fault, of course not, but they couldn't just let him freeze everyone. So until they could think of a solution.)

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