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Loki's life as a cat was harder than he thought it'd be. Or to be exact, Loki's life as a cat was harder for everybody than the team thought it'd be.

Turned out taking care of a cat Loki was a thousand times more difficult than taking care of a normal Loki.


The Avengers were.... speechless, sure, speechless and stunned. They were all standing there looking wordlessly at the yowling creature in Peter's arms, in which Peter had to cover its fluffy body with a thick towel because it wouldn't stop trying to rip open Peter's skin with its sharp tiny claws and its even sharper tiny teeth.

"You meant to say..." Tony trailed off, he looked half spooked and the thing was Peter had never seen Mister Stark look spooked before. "That that is Loki? As in the Loki, our Loki, our greasy mischievous god, our Reindeer Games. That that's him. He's a cat. That this is not some kind of a prank or a joke or anything?"

Peter shook his head, "No, sir. I mean yes, yes, he's Mister Loki," he held the cat tighter,  because the little one squirmed harder, hissed louder, trying to break free from the hold, but that wasn't going to happen.

"And you're sure it's him because it only makes sense that, according to your assumption, the other Loki has cursed him. The other Loki from another existence whom you know is in this world with us, but you never told us about before," Thor said.

Peter slowly nodded. He didn't say anything to that, because he knew he was already in deep trouble, might as well not risking making it worse for himself by saying anything more.

"And now you don't know where the other Loki is," Natasha spoke, it wasn't a question. "The one who might still be a threat to earth,"

"I mean... apart from cursing Mister Original Loki and turning him into a cat against his will, he wasn't actively trying to murder me," Peter's voice was small and timid. Loki, the one still in Peter's arms, hissed loudly at him.

"How do you know that that's our friend Loki and not the Murderous Loki?" Clint asked, nodding towards the cat. It took him long enough to eventually refer to the First Loki as someone on their side, then a friend.

Peter shrugged. "The Murderous Loki wouldn't get himself turned into a cat. He almost won and it took six of you guys to beat him, remember? Our Loki was...soft. Kitten soft. He's definitely the kitten. Literal kitten."

At that Peter earned himself a well-deserved slap to the face by the tiny paw reaching up toward his cheek. He didn't know a cat could slap before, but damn Mister Loki had a mean slap. "Okay, maybe not that soft," Peter shrugged, purposefully ignored Loki snarling at him.

"I had him," Thor said, there was something in his voice as he thought of the Loki he rendered a shelter last night. "I knew something was off, but I should've known," and then what? Thor wondered — if he had known that the Loki he talked to last night wasn't of this world, what would he do then? Call the authorities and have them capture Loki? Loki was still his brother, even if it wasn't the Loki who was... currently a cat. He was Thor's brother and Thor could tell he was lost. Scared even. The look on his face when he'd mentioned Frigga.

"So this is our Loki," Steve broke his silence after having been quiet for a while. "That means we have two things to do; take care of him," Steve pointed at the cat in Peter's arms. (Loki stopped snarling the second he met Steve's eyes, his head slightly tilted to the side) "And find the other Loki before he causes any trouble," the Captain finished.

Loki — the cat Loki — made a meowing sound in his throat, like he either wanted to say something or just for the simply attention.


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