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Loki may have won everyone's trust, but not Bucky's. The White Wolf suspected the God of Mischief was up to something



Buck remembered his first day; walking through the front door with all his belongings fitted in a backpack, Steve by his side looking overly joyful. (Okay, maybe not visible joyful. Steve's expression had always been stern, but Bucky knew the boy from Brooklyn well enough to read through him - no matter what mask he put on) Bucky didn't smile; his expression neutral - stern.

There Tony stood, and Tony wasn't smiling either. They stopped in front of him.

"Tony," the Captain had said, "I can't put it in words how grateful I am that you -"

"Oh save it, Rogers." Tony cut him off. "If you wanna thank me, don't say it. Prove it; don't make me regret this,"

"You won't." Steve had responded with such certainty, and if Bucky didn't appreciate being talked over as if he weren't there, he didn't voice it; remaining utterly silent.

"Well, I sure hope so," Tony took a quick glance at the man with metal arm, then his gaze returned to Steve. "Just so you know, I didn't do it for you or for him. But I do believe it, 'keep your friends close and your enemies closer,' that's what this is all about. Just 'cause I let him stay doesn't mean I forgot what he did. And remember this," Tony took a step closer, "if he does anything, anything at all, I'll send him to the feds and I'll make sure he never sees the sun again."

"I understand," Steve said.

Tony looked at Bucky, eyes murderous, and Bucky opened his mouth for the first time, "loud and clear."

There was a moment of silence before the corner of Tony's lips twisted, not quite a smirk. Then he said, "glad we're on the same page. I'll show you your room,"



Tony deliberately brought yet another supervillain into his house - Loki was the name. Buck noticed Tony seemed to be quite fond of Loki; he cared for the dude while still ice cold when it came to Bucky. (At least it wasn't as bad as the first few weeks of Bucky staying in the compound, but the tension was still present) Well, Bucky guessed it had something to do with the fact Loki wasn't the one killing Tony's parents.

Loki was quiet, like Bucky, he kept most to himself and he stayed out of trouble. Bucky didn't know him that well, but he knew the man was a brother of Thor and he was the one responsible for the New York massacre years ago. He really wasn't looking forward to get to know him any better, neither nor Loki, that much was clear. But with decades of Bucky living with HYDRA (no, not living - holding captive by HYDRA) he couldn't help the way he developed this... sense that'd alert him should something seemed off. One thing not even Steve knew about him: he was trained not only to kill but to read people. HYDRA had made him that useful to them. So he'd know if they - general they - were trustworthy and would benefit HYDRA, or if he should simply put a bullet in their head.

Fuck, Bucky reflectively let out a wry chuckle to himself at the possibility of him being more skilled than Natasha when it came to reading people. And no one had a clue about his hidden... talent?
(No, not a talent. A curse. Anything HYDRA planted inside him, Bucky took no pride in.)

That curse hadn't worn off even after Steve freed him (was he even free, after all? Bucky tried not to think about that, for fear of what conclusion his poisonous mind would jump to)

He watched Loki, instead. The man from outer space spent most his time in his room, but when he was outside and Bucky could see his face, he could tell by one glance, from the look in his eyes, how troubled he was.

My Best Friend's the God of Mischief // Peter x LokiWhere stories live. Discover now