home alone

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Tony had an important business meeting that required his attendance, Thor had to visit Valkyrie for discussion about New Asgard's future, and May took Peter to school, which left Loki being home alone.

It was just for the day, anyway, Loki thought. He could manage on his own. He'd been managing on his own for the most part of his life. It was only his life of late that he had someone taking care of him... showing him love that he'd almost forgotten how to live on his own.

He was doing just fine until he heard a knock coming from the front door.


Loki pushed down his book and looked across the couch's cushion. It was barely noon, he didn't think they would return this early, especially after Loki assured them he would be okay (he felt like a child saying that, but hadn't they been treating him just like one?)

Whoever it was, they knocked again and Loki thought there was only one way to find out. He pushed himself up on his feet and stumbled toward the door. His leg was still hurt a little from where he got shot, but it was almost nothing now.

"Coming," Loki said when they kept knocking. He opened the door and, "oh,"

"Is that your way of saying hello," the Grandmaster chuckled, leaning casually against the doorframe.

"I -ughh," Loki was caught off guard by the surprise visit, even if he should probably expected the Grandmaster wouldn't just be gone that easily. "Hello, Grandmaster," he feigned a smile. "I wasn't... informed you were coming to see... Tony? Or my brother? They weren't here right now, but I'll tell them you came,"

He was about to gently close the door shut when the Grandmaster's foot slipped through as he pushed the door open again. "Are you always this formal?" He teased, probably because it was obvious how tense Loki was. "Anyway, I'm not here to see Sparkles or Mister Hottie. I'm here for you, actually,"

"Oh," Loki reflectively gulped. He blinked, not knowing how to respond. "I'm... honoured,"

"I just wanted to check in, see how you were doing and if, you know, if they've been taking good care of you,"

"I'm fine," Loki smiled sweetly even though his smile didn't quite reach his eyes.

"How's your leg?"


The Grandmaster nodded. Loki gulped again and if the situation wasn't awkward...

(He wondered if the Grandmaster knew he was home alone and just waited for the moment to make an appearance)

"Aren't you gonna... invite me in?"

Loki went pale. He remembered what May said to him about inviting boys to a house. The Grandmaster wasn't a boy though, he probably aged millions years and more, but still. Still Loki knew how much Grandmaster hated the word no. "I don't know, En. There's no one home,"

"Exactly!" The Grandmaster beamed. He invited himself in before Loki could say anything.

Loki opened his mouth and closed it, the Grandmaster already wandered around the place like a curious cat brought from a shelter to its new house.

"This is nice, Lo. I'm impressed,"

Loki wasn't sure if he was supposed to say thank you, for the place wasn't his. So he just smiled softly and prayed in his head the Grandmaster would leave before they returned, and that he wouldn't burn down the house or something.

"Should I make you something," Loki asked when he saw En Dwi picked up Tony's half-finished Iron Man's helmet from the table. "Tea? Coffee?"

"Coffee would be fine, darling. You're so cute," he said. At least he put the helmet back in its place.

Loki sighed in relief and hoped it wasn't noticeable. "Be right back,"

He returned minutes later with two cups of coffee. "You know I've always believed we should really have that talk. We never had the chance," The Grandmaster said, looking at him after taking the cup from his hand. "You know after all that... revolution," he scrunched up his face like the word tasted bitter on his tongue. "Nasty, nasty stuff, and you were just... gone,"

It hadn't occurred to Loki until now that he was alone, no one was going to help him, if the Grandmaster were to do anything. After all it was him and Thor who lost the man his planet. "I - I'm really sorry, Grandmaster. It was wrong of me to just... walk away. Things were... overwhelming and I didn't get the chance to think straight,"

"Bet you didn't," The Grandmaster took another sip of his drink. "You know you're really lucky I like you, right?"

Loki knew that, and he didn't know whether it was a blessing or a curse. Though he sure did see the Grandmaster killed for much lesser crime many times before during his time on Sakaar. "I appreciate your kindness. I really do,"

"I know, pumpkin," Grandmaster smiled. He cupped Loki's face and stroked his cheek gently. "I just missed you. You're so cute I couldn't stay mad at you for long,"

He leaned in and gave Loki a kiss on his cheek. And it had just occurred to Loki that he'd been showered with kisses a lot lately. Not that he complained.


"I probably should be going," Grandmaster said, with his arm still around Loki's shoulders, after they've been lounging on the couch for hours, talking about whatever the Grandmaster found interesting. "Don't make that face, sugar pie. You know Daddy has a lot of work. He's a very busy businessman," he tapped the tip of Loki's nose playfully even if Loki genuinely did not make any face.

Better go before they come back. It'd be my ass on the line, Loki thought. He gave the Grandmaster a sweet smile.

Loki walked the man to the front door. Or maybe it was the Grandmaster walking Loki to the front door, judging by his hand on the small of Loki's back. He kissed Loki on the cheek again. And before he was gone, "oh," the Grandmaster said, "I almost forgot!" he pulled something out of his bag and handed it to Loki. Loki followed his brows; a cupcake.

"For you. Because you're a cute cupcake. And because I wanted to give you something since, you know, one of my guys shot you."

"That's very thoughtful of you, Grandmaster. Thank you," Loki smiled as he took the offering.

The Grandmaster leaned in and stole a kiss on Loki's lips before walking away.

Loki closed the door once the man was gone, though he hadn't moved from where he'd stood. The Grandmaster just kissed me, Loki thought, and wasn't sure what was more surprising: him not expecting it or him hadn't seen it coming when he should have - long before. Ever since Sakaar.

He shrugged and looked down at the cupcake in his hand. Every decent part of him told him it was a bad idea to bring that thing in his mouth, and he considered dumbing it in the bin.


For some reason he didn't throw it away and didn't eat it, either. Loki retracted to his room and placed the cupcake on his nightstand table. He could think about what he should be doing with it later. For now he should be getting dinner ready, Thor and May and Tony and Peter could come back any minute.

He was on his way out of his room when he stopped in his track in the doorway. Loki looked back at the cupcake sitting where he'd left it. It looked delicious.

My Best Friend's the God of Mischief // Peter x LokiWhere stories live. Discover now