here's the hospital for souls

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"You're... you're not sending me away?" Loki asked. His voice somewhat smaller than he'd expected.

"No," May said, "as long as you don't cause any trouble, I think you can stay," because, even though Loki recovered pretty quickly and was almost back to normal, she wouldn't want him to be out there facing the fate on his own, especially after she spent a great amount of times nursing him back to health. Whether she liked it or not, he was kind of her responsibility now. She just didn't want to admit it out loud, but she was - in some way - his parent figure (even if she didn't know that yet)

She sighed, in her head she probably wondered how she got herself in this situation. But after a short moment of silence she told Loki to eat the rest of his soup and then rest. Loki obeyed.

May closed the door behind quietly as she left the room. His room. Her apartment wasn't that big, but somehow she found a way to give a room to Loki, a room for his own to sleep and heal. And so far he was doing well.

Peter was standing there, in distance, watching. The kid still felt bad about lying to his aunt. No, May never yelled at him, never grounded him for keeping Loki a secret. And maybe, that's what made Pete felt even more guilty; she was too understanding. Too good. As crazy as it sounded, Peter thought he would feel better if she were to punish him somehow. But all she did was help him took care of Loki. As a matter of fact: ever since she found out about the God of Mischief she did most of the work and Peter was the one feeling like he was being useless. (Sometimes he even asked if there was anything he could do to help her nurse Loki, but she would always say she got it. And she did. She was... the best. So there was no room for Peter to do anything more)

"How is he?" Peter asked (since May had told him not to bother Loki when he rested, Peter was forbidden from entering the room. It was... frustrating at least a little because he kind of... missed his alien friend, but if May said Loki needed rest then Loki needed rest)

"He'll be fine," she said, patting her nephew lightly on the top of his head, and then, "you can see him, if you want to,"

"I can?" Peter's eyes lit up like a child on Christmas morning, it made May chuckle.

"Of course. Maybe in a few hours after he sleeps, okay? I think he misses you."

"He misses Mister Thor," Peter shrugged, "I just annoyed him, you know,"

May smiled at him. She paused for a few seconds before saying, "on the contrary I think you saved him... I'm proud of you."

To that Peter didn't respond. He only smiled back at her; the brightest, most sincere smile.


In the haze of sleep and waking, Loki slowly opened his eyes. He groaned. The warmth and softness of the blankets May draped over him made him feel safe; besides that it was comforting enough that he wanted to go back to the dream he didn't remember (the only parts he did remember were flower field on Asgard and his mother's smile) but the munching sound coming from his right got his attention.

Loki glanced to the direction; Peter was sitting there on an armchair, he apparently dragged from the corner of the room until it was only a few inches away from Loki's bed, and he was eating snack.

The kid looked almost bored until their eyes met and he lit up. "You're awake!" He said enthusiastically, his voice too loud in Loki's ears, but Loki thought he'd allow it this time and not stab him for the sake of everything the kid and his aunt did.

"I missed you too," Loki said, voice hoarse.

"How are you feeling?" Peter asked, offering him the snack but Loki rejected because the smell of it alone was already making him feel sick.

My Best Friend's the God of Mischief // Peter x LokiWhere stories live. Discover now