crawling in my skin

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Tony wasn't expecting a visitor so late at night. Out of all his possible visitors, he definitely wasn't expecting Loki to show up at his front door. He would've attacked, if Thor weren't there with his arms around Loki's shoulders.

After thoroughly examining through the security camera, Tony noted Loki looked... wrecked. Like he'd been crying (somehow that made him more unpredictable - the more unpredictable Loki got, the more dangerous he became) Thor didn't look any better, either.

"I just can't catch a break," Tony muttered unhappily. For a moment he debated with himself if he should tell them to leave so he could go back to sleep. His other part, the rational one, voiced they wouldn't have come, if it weren't important.

Tony ran a hand down his face and finally, with another eyes roll, spoke to the mic, "come in,"

He watched through the screen as the door opened and the brothers entered. What was it they wanted from him, Tony wondered.


"Peter?" May sounded a bit startled, surprised, but not so much, to see her nephew in Hello Kitty pajamas on the kitchen floor, in the corner next to the open refrigerator.

"Hey May," Peter sounded... lifeless. Dead inside. He didn't look at her, he knew she wouldn't take offense, as he tilted his head backward and poured himself another shot of whipped cream directly into his mouth. Judged by the mess around him; three empty boxes of ice cream, what seemed to be what was left of pizza, a bottle of Coca-Cola and more, Peter had been in this condition for quite a while. He was miserable and he knew it. May was just too nice to point out the obvious.

He heard her sighed. His lack of protest was a hint of invitation in which May took, having known the boy well enough. She took a spot on the floor next to him, grabbed the can from Peter's hand and shot a wave of those cream into her mouth. It tasted sweet. Good. The last time she has had these was when she was 16 going through her first heartbreak. She missed it (not the heartbreak itself but the whipped cream, of course)

"So...." she trailed off, "you wanna talk about it? Was it a girl?"

Peter shrugged wordlessly. All it took for May was one side way glance and she knew what was on his mind (she knew him just like that)

"I know," May said after a brief pause. "I miss him, too."

"He didn't even - call," Peter choked out. "I don't know. I thought we were friends, but then he said no, we weren't. And I was left feeling like it was all a lie. Like nothing I shared with him was real. I care about him, you know? I still do. Even after he left just like that, I still see him as my best friend -" Peter cut himself off when he needed to breathe and when he realized belatedly he had just spilled his guts. Damnit. Words came out too fast he couldn't contain himself in time. "I'm just a kid. An annoying kid in his eyes,"

May did not say a thing for a few moment. They just sat there letting the silence stretch out. Then she said, not too loud, not too quiet, "he cares about you and you should know that. The thing about Loki is - he's complicated and he's hurt. That makes people confused and people, Gods or not, say things they don't mean when they're confused and lost,"

Peter did look at her eventually. She gave him a small, comforting smile in which he didn't return. Couldn't. He just wished he could believe her.


"A thing.... inside you?" Tony tried to wrap his head around it; the information Loki told - Thor told about Loki.

(Loki was very quiet, looking uncomfortable and trapped, as they sat in Tony's lounge)

My Best Friend's the God of Mischief // Peter x LokiWhere stories live. Discover now