a morning after a crescent moon night

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It was all a big misunderstanding. It shouldn't even be a problem. It grew into an unnecessary  big problem within the household.


Loki woke with a nasty headache. If he were to be honest, he had no memories of what happened. The last thing he remembered... the last thing he remembered was the Grandmaster here, they talked and he... Norns, the most Loki tried to think, to remember, the worse the spinning in his head became. (Loki was sure his skull was going to split in two.)

Loki closed his eyes and remained on his bed with the pillow underneath his head. He tried to let it go, to... not fight and let the picture playing in his head. There was... this thing the Grandmaster gave him; a cupcake. Loki considered throwing it away but then. Norns, he wanted to strangle himself. The last Loki remembered, after the Grandmaster, was eating the damn cupcake. He couldn't help it and now he felt stupid. Ever since Sakaar, he'd always ended up regretting having consumed anything, any suspicious drink, the Grandmaster offered. (It wasn't like he could reject them back then) It was fun while it lasted, but in the long-run, or when he woke the next morning, it never did him any good.

Right now, what worried him the most wasn't the fact he ate it, but the fact he couldn't recall what followed, how he ended up here in his bed, since he was sure he was about to make Thor, May, Tony and Peter dinner.

Thinking about them, Loki's eyes widened. He lost track of time and, therefore, had no idea how long it passed since... since the cupcake. Had they returned yet? Maybe Loki should be downstairs and presence, in case they came and got worried when he didn't show up right away.

He got up and into a sitting position. Loki never made it on his feet when the headache doubled which resulted in a low groan squeezed out of his throat.

What did the Grandmaster put in that cupcake, anyway?


Steve Rogers had always been known as an early bird. He never waited till the run rose above the horizon to open his eyes. Today was the same; looking out the window, it was still dark.

The first thing he did was check the time on his phone. (It still amazed Steve, these technology; such a small device could do so much, but he was getting used to it - Bucky was a lot better than him though, after spending years in Wakanda; the home of all advance technology, but Steve was learning, too)

It was four in the morning. Usually people would go back to sleep, but for Steve, this was the time he normally began his day.

God, he was still having trouble believing he actually lived under the same roof as Loki. Thinking back to 2012, Loki was an evil, a threat to Earth. They fought in New York and Loki threw Tony out the window, but here Tony was willingly offering Loki a shelter, saving him from the government even if it meant he was putting himself at risk.

Steve did not trust Loki, obviously, but, as crazy as it sounded, Tony seemed to trust the mischievous God. And, as crazy as it sounded, Steve still trusted Tony even after they had fallen out years ago.

(He trusted Thor, too, of course, but that didn't really say a lot here when Loki was Thor's brother and it was Thor's instinct to protect Loki.)

Until then, Steve would just have to make sure Loki did change for the better, and there was one way to do that, by his own eyes.

His job here was to observe Loki and make sure no one in the house, or anywhere else, got murdered.

He went to the bathroom to start his morning routine, then he could start the job.

My Best Friend's the God of Mischief // Peter x LokiKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat