in the dead of night it lurks

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Loki and Peter were left alone in the compound during one stormy night in which the rest of the team was out for a mission. Things were going okay until Peter decided he wanted to do something fun.

Peter, in Loki's opinion, had a very strange definition of 'fun'


Quick author's note: good news! I am now accepting requests for short headcanons on my Tumblr! I'm under the username bebx (or simply click on the link in my profile.) Head there and shoot your request in my inbox — lists of characters and pairings I write are stated there. The finished ones will be posted on my Tumblr blog only.

This chapter was also inspired by my own headcanon recently posted on my blog. Someone requested Loki babysitting a kid and I kind of came up with the rest. So I thought I'd write an actual fic based on it here, too. Anyway, I'm looking forward to hearing from you guys on my Tumblr xx


It was not supposed to be risky or harmful in any way, that was what Peter said. Or, more like reassured. Just a game people played to have fun and spook each other. But Loki had questioned it, looked at the thing skeptically like he didn't at all trust it.

Loki, in fact, did not.

He grown up taught not to mess with dark magic. Because dark magic was dangerous, unpredictable. It should be even more dangerous and unpredictable now that it was of a completely another realm, Midgard, for it meant he had absolute no idea what he was dealing with.
(If Loki barely knew anything about the forbidden part of Asgard's dark magic, he was utterly clueless about Midgard's)

But Peter had shoved the board with its planchette in his face, urging him to, quote Peter's word, summon a spirit with him.

And dozens of questions suddenly flooded through Loki's head. The why being the one standing out the most. It wasn't like Loki never heard of these stuff before — they did that too, on Asgard. But mostly the purpose was either to curse an enemy or, of course, contact the dead, but only if the situation really called for it, and it was never...holy. Not to mention the ones carrying out the ritual were always ancient mages who practiced dark seidr for millions of years. Frigga had warned him about that more than twice. You don't mess with dark magic, she had said, her voice stern.

Which was why it caught Loki off guard when Peter, a high school teenager who, obviously, not a mage, suggested the idea to him with such enthusiasm. The 'for fun' part was probably the most shocking part of it all.

"Let me get this straight," Loki said. "You mortals normally engage in a dark ritual — that my people and me, perhaps not that powerful but I believe skilled enough mages and Aesir, were forbidden for its danger — for fun?"

"Well," Peter shrugged. "Yeah,"

Loki blinked.

"It's just a harmless family game, Mister Loki." Peter repeated the same sentence. "Everyone used to talk to a ghost through a ouija board at least once. Well, maybe not everyone, but it's a common enough game. Like telling horror stories at a campfire."

"Do mortals do that?" Apparently the more Peter babbled, the more confused Loki got.

So Peter just mumbled something along the line of 'never mind' Loki still looked lost. He opened his mouth, but Peter beat him to it. "Give me your finger."


"Your finger," and here Peter already had his own index finger pressed on the wooden planchette, and he was waiting for Loki to join him.

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