Perfect Destiny @mebooklover25

39 2 3

Reviewer - cwang1


- I like how you made it clear in the blurb that your story was not the cliché story about a billionaire bad boy. However, I do have something else to comment on, so look in the "con" section for that.

- I like how your story has a unique plot line

- it's not the billionaire bad boy that doesn't care for the girl, it's the girl that doesn't care for the boy.

- I like how you specified who was talking at the beginning of the chapter. This can really make things clearer for a reader, and make sure that things are not confusing.

- I like how you used different POVs to provide insight on every character's thoughts, emotions, and backgrounds.

- I also liked how you made the characters look back on past events to provide the reader with more background. Though it didn't actually happen in the book, the reader still knows about it because the narrator is looking back on it.


- I feel that some people may immediately click away from your story simply because of the first 2 sentences of the blurb. Though you make it clear later in the paragraph that your story is not the average cliché story, I would actually recommend that you do this in the very first sentence. This way, you can grab a reader's attention quickly.

- For your cover, I feel that you cannot really see the "my love for you is a journey..." part. It kind of blends in the background, and feels out of place. To fix this, I would recommend putting it at the very top or bottom, and changing the font color and bolding it. This just makes it clearer.

- I found a few grammatical errors in the blurb. You have to be really careful with this, since the blurb is the first impression you're giving a reader. "No, I couldn't let that happened." It should actually be "happen," instead of "happened." To fix errors like this, I just recommend checking over your blurb a few times.

- I also felt that the second part of your blurb was a bit confusing. I think that, if you had cut out the second part and just had the first, it would've been fine.

- I also saw a few punctuation and capitalization errors in the chapters. For dialogue, you should capitalize the first letter of the first word in the quotes.

- I saw a few tense errors, where the tenses didn't match up to what it was at the beginning of the sentence. I would be careful with this, as it can confuse a reader. To fix this, I just recommend that you read over your work.

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