Colourless @loltales

90 3 0


~P R O S~

⭐︎The plot captures the readers immediately. Readers are automatically transferred into another world! I love it!

⭐︎The descriptions are beautiful. It really captured the scenery and the emotions felt by the characters.

⭐︎The cover is eye-catching and well done!

⭐︎The chapters are short which makes reading on mobile a lot easier!

⭐︎This book is written very clearly. Every event is described beautifully and makes the readers want to read more!

~C O N S~

⭐︎The written tense is unclear. It switches from present to past frequently. I would recommend reading through and correcting those small words. I know it's a lot of work, but it would really help the flow of the book :)

⭐︎While the description is good, it could use a slight read through to make it more clear. The word 'useless' is used twice in the same sentence, so changing one would be beneficial.

⭐︎While every book has it's own pace, this one went rather fast. However, this isn't necessarily a con. Maybe going through and adding a little more description of their world and their lives, things like that, would make it flow better.

Geat job @loltales! 

Stars Review ShopOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora